Chapter 3: Mission gone south

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The team had to go on a mission, leaving you alone in the compound. It's not like you minded, but it was very eerie being in a giant quiet building with the only sounds being the AC and you. It sent shivers down your back. And not only that, you were worried for your girlfriend as she was dealing with some dangerous multiverse problem.

However, you have to keep telling yourself she is the Scarlet Witch, she's more than capable of taking down the most powerful creatures. You sighed and tapped your pencil against your desk, as you eyed the mission reports that need to be completed and sent to Fury.

It felt like forever since you began working, and by 9:00 you were falling asleep on your desk. You jolted awake when your phone rang.


Sharon Carter was calling you. Probably about the mission. While you hated her because she was annoying and is a homie hopper —she started flirting with Bucky after Steve left—, you knew this was important and to be professional.

You don't let your pettiness get in the way of your work. So, you picked up the phone. "Hello?" You asked.

"Hey, Belova." She always calls you by your last name for some reason.

"What's up, Carter?"

"So the mission went well but Jennifer went a little crazy and...she knocked America out."

You sighed, this happens every once in a while. While Jen can control her hulking more than Bruce did, she can still get pretty out of control sometimes.

"Okay, is America conscious right now? What's her medical status?"

"She's conscious, but not fully. Her eyes are still closed and she murmurs random words. I called because the team is coming back early because of it. They were supposed to stay longer after the mission to make sure everything was good."

"Okay, I'll be in the medical bay with Dr. Cho when they arrive."

"Alright, bye." And she hung up. Something about her is so fishy but you can't put your finger on it.

You made your way to the medical bay after throwing on a long grey cardigan, and waited with Dr. Cho for the team to bring in America.

America was brought in frantically on a stretcher, a very guilty looking Jennifer lingering behind Peter and Kamala, who were worried for their friend.

"Alright, Cho will get her checked out. Everyone in the  conference room for the debriefing." Sam announced. Everyone pried away from the doorway to got the conference room except a certain red headed witch.

You walked up to her and gave her a tight hug, baring your face in the crook of her neck.

"I was so worried Wanda." You muttered against her suit. Wanda pet your hair lovingly with her hand. The other snaking around your waist. "I know, printsessa. But I'm here now." She whispered.

The two of you pulled away, and Kate came running down the hall. "Maximoff, you need to go to the debriefing." She said, out of breath.

"Yes, yes, I know." Wanda groaned.

As she walked away she whispered in your ear,

"Go to my room." It sent shivers down your spine and you turned on your heel to walk to the elevator.

Once you made it to Wanda's room, you closed the door and leaned against it. You looked around the red themed room with witchy decor and a big red canopy bed. It looked so elegant and perfect for Wanda.

You sauntered over to her bed and plopped down, your head sinking into the mounds of pillows. You slowly closed your eyes and fell asleep again.

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