riley tries an oreo part one

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"yo expired, gay, goofy, senior citizen, one-eyed ass better let me on this bus right now!"

"hey riley, whaddya mean 'let me on this bus?'"

"yeah, that's right. forget my bro huey -- he can walk. he always doing it for them peaceful protests anyway."


"i fo-sho ain't lettin' anyone darker than colour 4.5 on my colour chart park they little coloured ass on my school bus. yo new school got all the flavours now, goddammit," ruckus explained, waffling his racist speech.

"i mean... i ain't ever seen an indian before. like in real life before, outside of them movies about the pyramids."

"you mean arabs?"

uncle ruckus started up about who knows what about arabs. huey naturally tuned out his nonsense.

"actually i ain't ever seen one of them in woodcrest, either..."


"n〜 what?! i'm just sayin'!"

"n〜 what?! i'm just sayin'!"

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huey sighed.

" i thought you were all about that sayin' shit. like power to the people. maan, when you was ten you assed that phrase!"

"forget it riley, let's just walk. this is the early bus anyway."

but before huey could grab the arm of his brother's jacket, he caught the eye of a white boy around his age. he watched huey curiously with light green eyes. slightly confused yet somewhat amazed.

what was he lookin' at?

"i said let's go!"


"maan, jus' cuz you stay up all night doing all that tryhard ninja shit don't mean everyone else wanna work out too," riley complained, dragging his feet across the sidewalk, "after all, i am the karate kid, yaknow. all my skills are up here, no need for that gay-ass training."

"quit waffling man. and training isn't 'gay'. nothing someone does can be 'gay'."

"kissing another man sure seems gay."


"and not to mention doing another man.. thirsting after another man, postin' another man..."

"alright, alright. whatever."

"ayo man, i think i actually see it! damn, that's a goofy ahh buildin' right there, n〜."

"i dunno, i think it looks alright. at least we get some diversity, right?"

"diversity can kiss my balls. ion give a shit about who's doin' what or what colour they is. all that matters is they mind their business."

"ah," huey said, raising his eyebrows at the unexpectedly wholesome quote from riley.

"-- and they ain't gay."

"oh." huey frowned again.

they pushed the gates open, the school being weirdly not crowded for the first day.

"aw hell nah man... don't tell me we early ?! das gay. i'm outta here."

"no, man -- the principal wanted to meet with us early, to give us our schedules and get to know us- quit it!"

riley squirmed, wriggling and protesting against huey's grip on his jacket.

"get offa me! this is a hatecrime! this is gay, and in-cest-ous!"

"aha, so you did read that homework essay. i knew it."


huey let go of riley, still sceptically eyeing down the school.

"yknow... i wonder what race the principal is."

"didja get her name on those letters?"


"twenty bucks she's white."

"don't be so sure."

"young reezy's always right," riley remarked, adjusting his silver chain.

a bitter morning breeze rushed past the two.

"really? only one way to find out."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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