•Chapter 6•

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"Hey Sean?" Shaian called out to get Sean's attention.

"Hmmm? What's up?" Sean turned around to face Shaian.

I was at the left side, Sean was in the middle and Shaian was at the right side. We're watching a horror movie right now. Honestly, it's not even scary. I glanced at Sean and I saw him looking at Shaian.

"I'm scared." Shaian said going closer beside Sean.

I felt my blood boiling. I saw Sean hold Shaian's hand and squeezed it. If it was possible, my blood was boiling to the highest point it's all because of anger and jealousy.

"Thanks." Shaian told Sean with a wide smile on her face. Seany just nodded and smiled back. I rolled my eyes and faced front again.

You're not that type of girl Kath. So just calm down.

Remember that Shaian's your friend.

Just think of happy thoughts. Like the time when Sean stepped on poo in the park.

This made me chuckle silently to myself when I remembered that day. Here, let me tell you guys the story.


It was 2:00 in the afternoon of a Saturday. Me and Sean were walking in the park talking about our teacher in school. Our teacher's name was Mr. Corona and he was bald.

"So he called my name using his grumpy voice." Sean said while smiling and looking at me. Then he continued.

"And he was all like 'Mr. Prior! What are you laughing at!?'"

"Sir, your wig fell and it is now on the floor." Then we laughed so hard while walking. Tears were already forming at the end of my eyes. Sean was holding his stomach while laughing so hard. Then he suddenly stopped walking.

"I felt something squishy under my shoe." He lifted up his shoe and his face formed into a disgusted face.

"Ew! I stepped on poop!" Sean whined in a very girly tone. I laughed even harder while pointing at him.

After a few minutes of laughing like a crazy woman, he joined me and we were making the oink sound of a pig already.

~End Of Flashback~

Just when I was done reminiscing about the past, the movie already ended and people were already standing up to leave. Shai and Sean got up and waited for me to do the same. I stood up and gestured them to walk out first. When we got out, Sean was the first one who spoke.

"So ladies, how was the movie?"

"It was okay. Wasn't that creepy." I replied with a careless shrug. Me and Sean turned our attention to Shai waiting for her reaction about the movie.

"I-It was creepy. Did you see that girl with blood in the door! She was creepy as hell!" She shivered and frowned then she spoke again.

"I honestly don't know why I chose that movie and bought the tickets." She smiled trying to enlighten the mood.

We walked going towards the car of Sean and Shai. When we got there, I saw Shaian's car and it was a Honda.

"See you guys at school on Monday!" Smiling, she opened her car door.

"See yah on Monday Shaian." I said with a small smile. I calmed down a bit already. She got in and drove out of the parking lot. "Leggo home." Sean said then we hopped in the vehicle and drove off.

After a few minutes of driving in comfortable silence, we pulled up in Sean's driveway. We got out at the same time then faced each other.

"Kath, when I held Shai's hand in the movies..." He trailed off the scratched the back of his neck. This is it Kath, prepare yourself to be hurt in 5, 4, 3, 2

"I felt electricity going up to my arm. I'm not sure though if I like her already." He said. You do like her idiot! I thought in my head. I just stared at him not knowing what to say. To be honest I felt my heart crumple like a piece of paper that was useless already. Don't cry, don't cry, hold back those tears.

"Well that's nice." I chocked out but covered it with a fake forced smile.

"Well, goodnight then. I'll text you when I'm in my room." Sean said before kissing my forehead.

Turning my back, I started to sprint to my house. When I got inside, I immediately ran straight upstairs to my bedroom and locked my door. Sliding down using the door as support for my back, I started to sob and cried my heart out. It hurts. It stings.

"I really don't have a chance with him." I continued to cry out loud.

Author's note:

Awww! Poor Katherine :( Wait for the next chapter because it's going to be in Sean's POV. I'm not sure if I'll do Chapter 8 in Shaian's POV.

Thanks for the super support guys! Lavyah all so much :) Please keep on reading and please do vote.

The more reads, the faster I'll update. Promise :} Oh and maybe in the future chapters I'll make them longer. That's all byeeeee! ❤

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