•Chapter 16•

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Hey Guys! New update :) I hope all of you will enjoy it :D

•Chapter 16•

Shaian and I decided to go to the mall today. It's a Saturday so it would be perfect to have some girl's day out. She wanted to look for some costumes for our upcoming Halloween dance at school. Shaian told me she didn't want to buy anything yet, she just wants to look.

Ever October 31st, our school will set up a Halloween dance for all students of Redview High. One week left and the month of November will begin. Couples can go together and single students too. Students are so excited for it to happen.

"So what's your opinion on this costume?" Shaian asked while she turned around. She was wearing a superwoman costume.

"It's okay. Why don't you want to buy anything yet exactly?" I can't help myself but to question her. I just had to open my stupid mouth.

"I want me and with to be a pair. And I don't know what he'll wear, so I don't want to purchase anything yet." Shaian said with a smile.

"Him? Who exactly is him?" I asked, emphasizing the word him. Could it be Sean? Are they together? Psh. Don't think that. That's impossible to happen.

"My boyfriend." She simply said. She had a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I asked. Any guy would love to be with Shaian. Heck! She's like a goddess sent from above.

She smirked playfully. "Secret. You'll find out soon. Don't worry."

"Ugh, fine. Suit yourself." I sighed then just didn't push further with any more questions.


Sean's POV:

"Shai, I think we should tell her already. I feel bad." I told Shaian with a frown.

I hate keeping secrets from my bestfriend. I hate it when I don't tell the truth to Katherine.

"Okay. I feel bad too." She frowned. But as if trying to lighten up the mood, she gave me a small smile.

The truth is, me and Shaian are already together. When Kath was away, Shaian and I hang out everyday. Eventually, we confessed our feelings for each other then puff! We're together. We've been hiding this secret from Katherine 'cause we weren't ready to tell her yet. Me and Shai agreed to not blurt out anything to Katherine.

"Babe let's tell her today. But we have to do this together. As a couple." Shai said in my ear. I nodded at her then smiled. I really like her. And I'm lucky to call her mine.

She gave me a long kiss on my lips then parted. "Let's go then." I told her then intertwined our hands together.

We walked down the hallways to go to Katherine's locker. She should be there because it's already dismissal time.

When we got there, we were right that she's there. She saw us walking towards her then smiled brightly. Her gaze fell on mine and Shaian's hands that were intertwined together like glue. Kath's smile dropped immediately then froze in front of her locker. Why? I don't know either. Shaian squeezed my hand then I squeezed back. The both of us were nervous.

"Hey Kath." Shaian greeted. Kath didn't say anything.

"We're sorry for keeping it from you." I blurted out immediately. Katherine just stared at me.

"Well as you can see, me and Sean are finally together." Shai said with a friendly tone.

"We're sorry." I said.

"Since when?"' Kath asked. Her tone was strangely sad.

"While you were away for vacation, me and Shai kept on hanging out together. We confessed our feelings toward each other and then puff! We're together." I explained.

"Oh." Kath said.

Seriously though. What's up with her sad face and sad tone?

"So he's the boyfriend you told me?" Kath asked Shaian.

"Uh yup. I'm sorry for not telling you that it was your bestfriend." Shaian looked down.

"Kath, I hope you forgive us for keeping it as a secret." I said with a deep frown. We heard Kath laugh, but it sounded like it was forced and bitter.

"Of course I forgive you! I'm happy for the both of you." Katherine said with a tiny smile that only lasted for three seconds. Relief flooded through me and I'm sure Shaian felt the same.

"I have to go. You guys still have practice right? Bye." Kath said then walked to the front doors. Me and Shai smiled at each other then headed for practice.

"I'll go ahead and change. I'll see you later." I said to Shaian then kissed her forehead.

She smiled sweetly then nodded.

"See you babe." She said.


Shaian's POV:

After me and Sean told Kath the truth, I felt so relieved after. I was so guilty for lying to her for this past few days. To be honest, I was still not ready to tell her the truth but then I realized that if we keep this longer, she would be more suspicious and we'll feel more guilty.

When me and Sean were confessing to Kath, as a girl I can sense that she was hurt. By the tone of her voice, the emotion she held in her eyes and her short replies. I really knew she was hurt. There's only one question floating in my mind.

Why was Kath hurt?

I honestly don't know. Maybe because we lied to her? Yeah, that's probably the reason.

The sound of the whistle hit my ear and I saw it was our coach.

"Ms. Mendez! Concentrate on your routine!" Coach shouted.

"Yes coach. I'm sorry." I apologized politely then went back doing my routine.



Wassup guys! Yay! Three POV's in one chapter :D wooh! HAHA XD

Anyway, shout out to all of you readers who can relate to Katherine. Comment down below if you feel the same way.


Bye guys!


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