This Risqué love

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Hey Guys so this is a  new story....If you like it please vote or comment!!!

Dimitri Tobias Alexandrov – Venom Club, downtown Manhattan

Dimitri emptied yet another glass of vodka, and taking a dart from his mate beside him, he aimed and scored bull’s-eye. The sultry brunette clung onto his arm in awe, gushing about his skills. Dimitri shook off the urge to slap her speechless. Girls. They were honestly so annoying at times.

Drinking his third glass of alcohol that night, he nearly dropped his glass because of a total stranger. Clenching the glass of liquor angrily, he glared at the man who had accidentally bumped into him. The culprit was as drunk as a cow and was now swearing slurred curses in his face.

The next few seconds went in slow motion when the man discovered who he had pushed, to Dimitri sending punches all over his body in rage. Jumping on the guy, Dmitri’s fist collided with his nose, easily breaking it. Screams and chants roared from behind him, the people eagerly eating up the show. He was pulled off the broken excuse of a man in a matter of minutes.

Two bulky black uniformed guards had grabbed him by the arms, and dragged him out to the fire exit. Dimitri could have easily escaped from their grasp, it was as easy as child’s play. Being a Mafia leader’s son had its benefits, but he could not be bothered dealing with any more drama that day. So he let it drop.

“As of this moment, you are blacklisted from this club!” The guard hissed, his coal black eyes burning with authority.

Dimitri didn’t even bother replying; instead he walked soberly to his yellow Lamborghini in the packed car park. That was all they ever said. They all gave out useless warnings as ‘authority’ but if they knew it was what he truly wanted, they would not stop him.


Because he was Petrov Alexandrov’s son, and knowing that, who wouldn’t be scared? You try and disobey the Russian Mafia heir and you would be dead within two days.

Kiera Mansfield – Citygreen Public Library, Downtown Manhattan

Kiera walked out of the library happily, everyday coming to her own paradise retreat of books put a smile on her face. She disliked going home, so much. It was like a sanctuary where all the maids treated you like someone exclusive, and she was tired of all the special treatment. She wanted to be normal teenage girl, not the prime minister’s only daughter.

 Well you can’t choose your family, so I would just have to deal with it, she thought. The bodyguards kept tight leashes on her at all times, as if she was a dog and the only place they gave her a little freedom in, was the library. Staying a night with a friend was literally impossible, that is; if they didn’t want two emotionless men tagging along five metres behind them, everywhere they went.

Kiera also hated going out to the city centre because even going to the restrooms, a guard followed her inside and waited for her outside the cubicle. It was bloody ridiculous, even she knew that. The curious and distasteful glances from the other women were enough to bring down her pride, and she despised it.

 Being the Prime minister’s daughter wasn’t as good as everyone imagined; it really meant having to take drastic measures for her safety. The feeling could be described as a sane patient trapped inside a mental hospital. Trapped and helpless, the moment she was released out of the tight asylum she was in, she would finally be free.

Chapter 1 *

Kiera kept her eyes focused on the book in front of her; she was walking towards the car park where her chauffer was waiting. She had started walking five minutes earlier; but having a prime minister as a father also meant you had to be very punctual, always early and never late. Simply because if you were Kiera Mansfield; being three minutes late meant you were kidnapped, and the police would immediately be contacted.  

She had learnt that lesson well; recalling the memory when she was a child brought an unpleasant taste in her mouth. She sipped on her coke while skimming a page with one hand and crashed into a wall. It was a man, she realised; but his chest was so hard that it could be remade as stone. Glancing down at the broken shards of glass; the remains of her coke bottle, she realised her drink had spilled all over his shirt. Hastily, Kiera apologised.

 “Do you know who I am?” The stranger responded in a cocky manner.

Kiera immediately stiffened; she hated this type of people the most. The kind who thought they were on the top of the world, just because they had a little money and was good looking. “No.” She replied disinterestedly, her guilt for him had instantly disappeared.

Dimitri Tobias Alexandrov. Does that ring a bell?” He asked arrogantly. 

Kiera deliberately widened her eyes just to see his smug reaction, letting it drop she said; “no, seems like you’re not as famous as you think you are.”

For the first time, she let her eyes connect with his; they were a dark piercing blue colour that icily held her gaze, while his short brown hair was gelled back in an endearing style. Reaching into her wallet, she pulled out a $50 note and slapped it on his chest.

“For your shirt.” She snapped; leaving him staring after her in complete shock.

Three months later*

Exiting the library, Kiera gasped as a Chloroform soaked cloth was placed against her mouth. In ten seconds she was unconscious, letting her kidnappers to freely take her away, while her bodyguards waited for her unknowingly.

Kiera awoke in a large bedroom, the interior was black and red, Victorian style. The curtains looked thick, velvety and heavy, across the great royal panes of glass. She was laying on a luscious king sized bed, but it was no luxury she hadn’t experienced before. A glass of water was placed conveniently next to the bedside, as if the kidnapper knew she would be thirsty.

And she was. Her throat felt like sawdust had ran through it, but her stubbornness prevented her from taking the beverage.

For all she knew, it could’ve being drugged as well.

A knock pounded on the door, and a guy walked in; both faces registered in surprise when they made eye contact before he walked out again. Kiera blinked a few times, the drugs had made her delusional. There could not be such a coincidence. How could she see someone she bumped into three months ago, and in this situation?

Five minutes later, he walked in again, this time with a smirk on his face. “Kiera Mansfield...” He drawled out her name slowly in his usual conceited manner.

Kiera felt her hope deflate in shock. No way.... She wasn’t hallucinating.

How in the world did he know her name?

“Do you know why you’re here?” He asked her amusedly.

Kiera felt her anger ascend; “do you know that kidnapping is a crime punishable by law? When father discovers what you have done, he’ll destroy you.” She snapped at him infuriatingly.

He chuckled at her reaction, “no need, he already knows.” He said.

Kiera didn’t believe him, “you’re lying.” She snarled. Knowing her father, he would send out helicopters and search parties once he realised she was missing; he was that type of person.

 “Hear it for yourself.” The boy shrugged, and shoved a mobile phone in her hand; a sound file paused on the screen.

She glowered at him lividly, but slowly picked up the device, trusting her instincts that this was just a poorly made joke to scare her. Her heart was beating anxiously when she pressed play.

“We have your daughter with us, unless you keep the dirt you dug up about us confidential, you’re not getting her back!” A rough male voice said. Kiera’s throat dried up when she heard her father’s voice; “I’m sorry, but I’m not backing down. The public deserves a right to know for their safety, and nothing, not even my own daughter can affect this decision. Be ready to hear the news in the next national conference meeting.”  Jonathan Mansfield finished before abruptly hanging up.

Kiera’s heart broke.

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