Chapter 3

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Time passed. A week had gone by and I'd barely realized it. My days in Notre Dame were filled with exploration. Well, with conditions, I was sure to keep away from the areas Father Jean forbade. I wasn't about to be disrespectful, I knew I was on thin ice as it were.

My bare feet padded on the stone walkway. I was back in my regular clothing, though they smelled much better. I'd even been able to mend them! I'd always enjoyed sewing, had my life been different I may have ended up a seamstress instead of a delinquent. I gazed down the hallway, my mental blueprint scanning for options. I'd run through these same corridors all week. To say I was desperate would be an understatement. There was just... nothing. No options. No hidden doors. No secret alleys. Nothing.

"I have to be missing something." I hissed, turning on my heel and retreating. The bells tolled 11 times as I walked. I walked in sync with their tones. It's nearly lunchtime. What a difference life in the cathedral had been. I'd forgotten what it felt like to have regular and consistent mealtimes, comfortable sleeping provisions and just general safety. I was living the dream, if not for Ward's men sneering at me through nearly every window and the anxiety I felt for Gordon and Ion I'd be thoroughly enjoying myself.

"Ines!" I turned to see Peggy rushing towards me. She never ran, it wasn't godly to do so in the church. Instead she did the fastest walk I think I'd ever seen a person do. Her bustles flaring behind her in an almost intimidating way.

"Peggy?" I answered, stopping my stalking.

"Did you hear? We're making candles this afternoon!" She cooed. It only took a day or two for Peggy to warm up to me. She was full of sunshine, someone who hadn't been hurt by the world quite yet. She was warm, whereas I was cold. She reminded me in many ways of Willow.

"Ah, very nice." I responded. Peggy loved crafts, but I wasn't terribly fond.

"Oh don't be like that." She chided. "It'll be fun! Maybe some crafting will clear your head and help you find a solution?" She pressed on.

"I don't know about that." I shrugged.

Peggy's face fell and she sighed defeatedly. "Alright. Sorry to bother you."

"Wait Peggy." I felt guilt clutch my heart at her defeated look. She had a knack for making you feel like you kicked a puppy. " I'll go, sorry I'm just out of it today."

Her face lit up once more. "Blessed day! What fun we'll have Ines!" She hugged me, little giggles escaping her.

"Yeah, fun." I gave a pained smile. In any other circumstance it probably would be fun. She's right though, maybe a distraction would help reorganize my thoughts.

Just then Father Jean appeared, framed by the corridor entrance.

"Ooo I'll talk to you later Peggy." I escaped her hug and rushed after the archdeacon. I could only vaguely make out her goodbye as I fled. "Father Jean!" I called to his retreating figure.

"What can I do for you Ines?" Jean turned to face me. He still wasn't thrilled that I had disrupted the peace of his church but he'd warmed up to me bit by bit the past few days. Though I could sense he still distrusted me, and probably won't weep when I leave.

"I've been meaning to ask, is there a basement?" I asked.

"Basement?" Jean's brow furrowed.

"Yes, maybe one that connects to the catacombs?" I put my hands together, a bit of a prayer I supposed.

His eyebrows raised in understanding. "Ahhh. No nothing like that."

My shoulders slumped in disappointment.

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