Chapter 10

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My bare feet padded on the cobblestone. Gordon's worn boots shuffled behind me. I tried not to look up, I tried to keep my eyes down but my own damned curiosity had me peeking up every few steps. Townspeople stood at the windows of their shops and homes, they gawked at us, some turned to their partners and whispered, god knows what, in their ears. My gaze focused on the golden armored back of Phoebus. Had my hands been free, I'd be tempted to stab that shiny back of his.

"The plan's solid Ion." Phoebus turned and glanced back at me. It's almost like he heard my thoughts.

I scoffed at him. This "plan" was anything but solid. Best we had though.

"Just keep looking down." Gordon whispered.

"No. Look up. We want him to see you." Esmeralda corrected him.

My jaw tightened and I lifted my gaze once more. Notre Dame was straight ahead. She towered over the main square formidably, her darkened windows ominous. "You'd better be right about this."

Two of Phoebus's guards escorted us, they glanced around nervously as we approached the threshold of the cathedral. As we passed through the door my eyes caught the gaze of another.

The whites of his eyes were tinged yellow, his teeth mangled and yet he smiled widely. One of Ward's men. I stepped into the main cathedral and he was out of my view.

"You think one of the guys saw us?" Gordon asked.

"Yeah. they did." I answered.

Esmeralda turned to us, her shoulders relaxing. "Let's get you untied."

"No not yet, wait until we're headed upstairs." Phoebus stopped her.

"Phoebus we're in a church, a sanctuary." She raised a brow. "Surely it would be blasphemy to keep them tied?"

"I don't want Ward to know we're working with them." Phoebus responded, his gaze darting to the windows. "We keep them tied until we get to the staircase, then we untie them."

Esmeralda rolled her eyes but relented.

"Phoebus? To what do I owe this pleasure?" A kind voice sounded from behind us.

I turned to find the archdeacon approaching our group.

"Father. Not to worry, we won't be long." Phoebus assured him.

"I wasn't worried. In fact I'm less worried now that you're here. These rogues have my staff and I on edge." His gaze turned to Gordon and I, his brow furrowing in disapproval.

"That's why we're here, father, it seems we may have a solution to our problem." Esmeralda said.

"That would be wonderful." His gaze landed on Es and immediately brightened.

"We'll be heading upstairs then." Phoebus continued. "I'll leave one of my guards down here. Help ease your tensions."

"Many thanks, Lord Phoebus." The archdeacon bowed and Phoebus mirrored him.

Phoebus signaled a guard to my right and then we shuffled to a door. The guard took up position next to the frame and Phoebus shoved the heavy entrance open to reveal a staircase.

"Best steel yourself boys. We have quite a walk ahead of us." Phoebus joked before entering and beginning his long march up to the belltower.

"How many stairs are there?" Gordon asked, his voice small.

"Best you don't know." Esmeralda smiled weakly.

"That doesn't make me feel any better." I grunted.

She laughed and set off up the stairs.

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