Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I picked at my breakfast, my appetite nonexistent. If Quasi noticed this he didn't say so. I tried to focus my thoughts elsewhere but images of Willow's lifeless body cut into everything. I couldn't get the image out of my head.

"I'm not sure that water helped much." Quasi broke the silence.

I glanced his way and took note of his appearance. His skin was paler than usual, and he had dark circles beneath his eyes. I thought my own headache and nausea had been residual nightmare stuff, nope we were both nursing hangovers.

"Imagine how it'd be if we hadn't hydrated." I responded.

He scoffed. "Not sure I could feel worse."

I chuckled despite myself. "You'd be surprised."

"I'm just glad our drinking knocked me out. Not sure I've ever slept so well." He remarked. "How did you sleep?"

I shifted in my seat, my nightmare still fresh. "I slept....fine." I answered.

Based on his expression he wasn't fooled, he didn't look interested in pursuing the truth though and I was grateful for that.

The sound of the door opening had both of our heads snapping towards the entryway.

"Quasi? Quasimodo?" A feminine voice rang out.

The blood drained from Quasi's face and he glanced outside. "What time is it?"

"Who is that?" I whispered.

"Esmeralda." He answered.


"She's my friend." He explained. "And she's early!"

"Quasi?" This time a masculine voice. I recognized that voice...the captain of the guard.

"Hide." Quasi pointed to the lightning struck marble statue.

I didn't argue, I just darted away. There was no time for the trap door. Instead I hid amongst the clutter. I was small and wiry, it wasn't hard to find a spot.

Quasi hid my plate and glass before turning to the entry.

"Es! Phoebus!" He called down to them.

"Sorry for dropping by so early." Esmeralda called up. I could hear them climbing the ladder up into the loft. It wasn't long and she stepped into view, my breath left me. She was stunning. Emerald eyes, perfect dark skin, ebony curly hair that rippled around her. She was Romani like Ion, her dress was colorful and fit her curves perfectly.

"Not a problem." Quasi responded. His gaze brightened when he saw her and he pulled her into an embrace when she finished her climb. I felt an odd flash of annoyance.

"I've missed you my friend." Esmeralda squeezed him tightly as they hugged.

"I've missed you too." Quasi answered in kind.

"Alright... where's the girl." Phoebus entered the loft, his tone casual.

Esmeralda and Quasi broke from their hug.

"Girl?" Quasi asked.

Esmeralda stood beside Phoebus. "We know you're sheltering her." She said.

"I don't know anything about a girl." Quasi continued on.

"Don't lie to us Quasi." Phoebus's gaze started scanning the clutter. I held my breath as his gaze drifted over me. "You expect us to believe you aren't harboring a female fugitive wanted by a corrupt man?" He raised an eyebrow at Quasi.

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