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Oh No! - Marina and the Diamonds
"I know exactly what I want and who I want to be"



I gasp out of my sleep, great another nightmare. Getting up 2 minutes before my alarm goes off. I turn it off and head to my bathroom. I change into my clothes, a black tank top with the word ROSEWELL on the back followed by black pants and some tennis shoes.

Walking down the stairs I smell my mom making breakfast. "Good morning sweetie!" she says in her usual tone as if this isn't the day I might be chosen to volunteer to go to my death. Not bothering to grab any of the food she's making, my siblings will eat it all anyway.

I grab a pre-prepared smoothie. Taking a sip all I taste is protein powder. Almost gagging it out, I swallow and walk out the door, not saying goodbye or even caring how cold I'm acting.

The walk is short, quick, and brisk. Cool air fills the small coastline of District 4. The walk is one of my favorite things to do, it's pretty relaxing. Although today, it's not. Not because I might get chosen to volunteer to go to my death, that barely bothers me.

It's my mom. It's slightly concerning how much she pushes my Hunger Games training. It's almost like she wants me to die. But it's not a question I need to answer, I know the answer. I just don't accept it.

I have an older brother and sister, Calista and Caspian. Both of them have aged out for the Hunger Games, one being 19 and the other 20. But my brother and I haven't, I'm 15, and my brother's 13.

She has her two children, why not try and get some fame, you know, make a child she doesn't care about and volunteer them to the Hunger Games? Get something out of her boring life!

My younger brother and I are those children.


I arrive at the training center and make my way to the throwing knives section. I want to get as much practice on the section before tomorrow, it's not my strongest aspect, but an important one. What if they don't have a bow and arrow? I need to be prepared for anything.

I see Annie come over to my section. "Hi, Rhiannon. How are you feeling today?" She asks me. "I'm feeling ok, but I'm pretty nervous, " I say. Truth is, I've been dreading today, tomorrow, and the reaping. I don't know if I want to go to the hunger games or not. I don't want to die.

I've had nightmares that have been about dying in the hunger games. Or my name getting chosen and someone else volunteering and I disappoint my family, and my district. But that won't happen, right? Hopefully not...

I quickly move over to the bow and arrow section, my best section. I practice a few times, hitting the bullseye each time. My brain floods thoughts into my head as I'm shooting.

What will the Hunger Games be like? How hard will it be to win, and things like that?

Then I see Finnick standing over a railing that looks over the training center. Everyone crowds at the bottom of the balcony.

"The time has come to announce the male and female tribute to represent District 4 in the 74th annual Hunger Games!" Everyone cheers around him. He holds his hands up, quieting everyone down. "The male tribute representing District 4 in the 74th Annual Hunger Games is... Raven Smith!" He says loudly. The crowd bursts into cheers as Raven walks up. Proudly, I must add.

Raven has dark brown hair and blue eyes, he's strong but not the strongest. Truth is, I don't know why they chose him. Maybe because he's the only one they've got, I truly don't know.

"And now for the female tribute! The female tribute representing District 4 in the 74th annual Hunger Games is.." I hold my breath

"Rhiannon Rosewood!"

The crowd erupts into cheer again and I see Annie smile at me, she also gives me a thumbs-up sign. I quickly walk up with a smirk on my face. We both hold our hands up before the crowd disappears and I go back to training.

The thing is, I don't wanna volunteer. I don't wanna die. But the time for backing out is over. I work on my basic survival skills like how to start a fire and stuff like that, before quickly saying bye to everyone and I walk out of the training center, hot and sweaty. I start the walk back to the house.


When I get home I eat a proper breakfast at the table when my mom comes over "So, did you get chosen?" she asks "Yes, I did. Along with this other random boy. I think his name is Raven Smith." I inform her. "That's great honey!" she hugs me and gets up.

Yeah, that's amazing, I can't wait to volunteer to go to my death! So exciting! I bet you can't wait till you have your little Victor daughter!

When I'm finished I put my plate in the dishwasher and head upstairs to take a shower.

I spend the rest of the day relaxing and trying to do something to keep my mind off the Hunger Games, although it's hard.

I got no sleep that night, only one of the same nightmares I'd gotten the past 3 months.

It's the day of the reaping and I'm dreading every second. I take a shower, put my hair into a neat bun, and put on my reaping clothes. I have on a navy dress that goes to my knees. It's loose fitting but it's tight enough to show my figure off, for my shoes I have black sneakers. 

The morning flies by. The next thing I know I'm at home, dressed and ready to go to the reaping. I walk with my whole family. While we walk I feel envy for the people in my family that have aged out of the games. Mom, Dad, Calista, and Casipian. Then there's Romeo and I. 

The walk there is very calm and collected. Nobody wanted to say anything. Everyone knows I'm volunteering so nothing needs to be said. But my thoughts keep thinking that something needs to be said

We finally get to the sign-in station. "Finger," a peacekeeper says firmly. I stick out my hand and she pricks it and pushes my finger on a piece of paper. After my fingerprint is taken, I'm good to go.

I watch as my mom and dad to go the same spot they go to every year, Caspia and Calista not far behind. Romeo goes to the boy's section. 

Then there's me. The only girl in the family besides my mom. I look over to the boy's section to find Raven staring at me. But he quickly looks away whenever I try to catch him.

Raven and I have already been chosen by victors at the training center, now all we have to do is volunteer. I can't help but think, what if I don't volunteer?

Live the rest of my life without the risk of dying in a stupid game. Then all the people that expect me to volunteer, and not just volunteer, to win, flood my mind. I have to, I have to do this.

Everyone quiets down as the film that we watch every year comes on.

"War, terrible war, with those, orphan, and a motherless child. This was the uprising that rocked our land. Thirteen districts rebelled against the country that fed them, loved them, and protected them. Brother turned on Brother until nothing remained. Then came the peace. Hard fought, sorely won. The people rose from the ashes and a new era was born. But freedom has a cost, and the traitors were defeated. We swore as a nation, we would never know the treason again. And so it was decreed that each year, the various districts of Panem would offer up in tribute, one young man and woman to fight to the death, in a pageant of honor, courage, and sacrifice. The lone victor, bathed in riches, would serve as a reminder of our generosity and our forgiveness. This is how we remember our past. This is how we safeguard our future."

Then the time has come to pick the female tribute. "Female first, of course," Fallon says, Fallon is the escort.

She moves her hand around the big bowl for a while. I don't know why she's being so specific. She knows someone's going to volunteer anyway, and that someone, is supposed to be me. She finally picks a slip and takes her sweet time to open it.

"Kamila Anderson!"

All eyes turn to a little 14-year-old girl and I can feel the eyes of my family, Finnick, Annie, and Raven on me. Before she makes it too far up the stage and before it's too late. I throw my hand up

"I volunteer!"


Hello guys! The first chapter is done! 


Word Count:
1488 words

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