
956 21 4

Lights - Ellie Goulding
"I'm not keeping up the strength I need to push me"


I feel the train jolt to a stop, my breakfast nearly falling into my lap. I scoff as I push the plate back into its place on the table. I look out the window and see hundreds- no- thousands of capital citizens. "Wow," I whisper, my breath coming out a little shaky. "How do you like the capital?" Annie asks, a little laugh following her question. "It's...really something," I say, before spooning up a bite of yogurt and shoving it in my mouth. 

I put on a smirk and start waving, Raven doesn't seem to get a hint. Finnick elbows him, making him quickly look up and wave, a dab of yogurt on the corner of his mouth. Once we get away from the crowd, we are escorted out of the train by a few peacekeepers. 

Once we're inside the tribute center, we enter an elevator and Annie pushes the "4" button, taking us to level four. The elevator doors open and the view is breathtaking, much fancier than anything we've ever had in District 4. Raven is the first to comment on the furnishing of our room. "That...is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life," he says, still eyeing the room, before looking back to us. 


The scolding hot water hits my back as I step into the shower. I was made aware that later today we would be professedly cleaned by capital workers and dressed for the tribute parade, but I still insisted on showering. It's my escape from life, you can take as long as you want in there and no one can stop you, you are completely free from life for about thirty minutes. 

I shampoo and condition my hair, before stepping out and grabbing a towel to dry off. I blow dry my hair and throw on black sweatpants and a black shirt with the number four on it. I crawl into my bed and I turn on the TV. It's Ceaser Flickerman interviewing Cashmere, a victor from District 1. I've overheard the mentors at the training camp talk about how much of a priss she is. 

A knock at my door startles me out of my thoughts. "Lunch?" Annie asks holding up a plate. "Oh, thank you I would love that!" I respond. I didn't even realize how hungry I was. She walks in and puts the plate on my side table. "I'll see you in a bit," she says softly, before closing the door and walking out. 

After inspecting the plate, I can confirm that a salad and a side of apples was probably not given to Raven. Do they think I'm fat? I'm 5'7 and 120 pounds of pure muscle. That's normal, right? Yeah, that's normal. It must be nothing. I pick up the plate and quickly eat it. 


My skin stings, oils, soaps, and lotions of all sorts have been slobbered all over it. I'm sitting on a table, naked, before the door opens. "Hello, dearie! I'm Fawna, your stylist! So, I have an outfit picked out, if you'll just follow me, we'll go put it on." I nod before getting up and putting on the blue ocean-themed outfit. It's honestly not that bad. 

She braids my hair, putting little blue fairy strands in it before putting making a braid crown around my head. She also does my makeup, which is of course, blue. 

I take a deep breath, before walking out of the styling room. I see Raven walking out as well. "Hey!" He says, over annunciating the y. "You look great!" He smiles at me. "Thank you, you as well," I say with a small smile, I'm not here to become best friends with Raven. 

I see a tiny little brunette speed-walk over to me, before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a closed room. "Wha-" I attempt to say, but before I can get the word out, she speaks first. "Rhiannon, right? I'm Clove, as you probably know." She pauses to let a smirk light up her face, before speaking again. "Well, I wanna make an alliance. A really strong one, stronger than the average career alliance." She stops speaking, looking up at me with an intrigued face. "Uh, woah," I say stuttering. "Ok, yeah. Let's do it. To the death?" She smiles slightly, "Yeah, to the death," The relief on her face is evident. "We have to go, meet on the roof at 10 tonight," She winks, before walking away. I'm left to wonder what just happened for a quick second before following her out. 

When I get back over to Annie and Finnick I see Raven is already in the chariot. "Hurry, you need to get in!" Annie says as she ushers me in. "Ok, ok," I say. Annie gives me her signature thumbs up, then the horses start trotting.


The iconic Horn of Plenty plays as we all trot along, I put on a fierce smirk as we go down. Everything is going great before the attention goes from us to a few chariots down. To District 12. 

"Is that chariot on fire?"


Status: Edited
Word Count: 870 words

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