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Teen Idle - Marina and the Diamonds
"I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake, I wanna be a real fake..."


Gasping out of my sleep, I look around. Cato was keeping watch, he's looking at me very concerned. "Are you okay?" He asks me. "Yeah," I say in between gasps of air. "I'm fine, just a nightmare."

I apparently had woken up everybody else as well, they all turned their sleepy heads to look at me. "Sorry," I tell say to them, though I don't really mean it. I don't care that I woke them up, I care that my nightmare wasn't real.

I quickly fall back asleep, nightmare-free this time.


I feel a poke at my side as I slowly wake up, I see Clove hovering over me. "Wake up, sunshine," She says to me, smiling. "Fine, fine," I say, getting up.

We open a box of food supplies and share it for our breakfast. It's not a lot, but it's food. After we all get our portions, we get ready to go hunting again.

I sling the bow and arrow over my head and throw on the knife vest. I still have the knife at my waist safely attached to my belt. I also have a sword in my hand, just in case.

After walking for what seems like forever, we finally find something. It's a girl running from us. "She's mine," I say as I start running after her.

I chase her and tackle her down to the ground, I grab the knife at my waist, I look at her one last time, she was only maybe fifteen, and she had long blonde hair. She looked freakishly like me, feeling sick to my stomach I quickly take the knife and slit her throat.

I stand up quickly, not wanting to look at her anymore. I walk back to my group and we continue hunting.


We walked around for a little bit longer, before heading back for a late "lunch," if you could even call it that. It was short, not much talking, but we resumed hunting shortly after that.

We walked along the wooded areas for about thirty minutes, until we saw a nice surprise. It was Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire.

Marvel was the first to point her out, "Over there! There she is!" He screamed and we all ran to her. Everyone shouting things like, "She's mine!" and "Not if I get her first!"

We chased her through the forest, she quickly climbed up a tree. Cato decided to be the high and mighty person and go up there after her. It was fine with me, I personally didn't want to go anywhere near her.

Cato being the stupid, arrogant career that he is, didn't realize he was probably twice Katniss's body weight. He pulled up on a very thin branch and fell all the way back down. It looked like it hurt, I merely scoffed at him.

"I'll do it myself," Glimmer says as she picks up my bow and arrow I placed on the floor. She shoots two arrows at Katniss, but she dodges them both.

"Give me that," Cato states, grabbing the bow and arrow from Glimmer. He attempts to shoot an arrow, before missing badly.

I grab my bow and arrow back and sling back around my body. "Both of you get it together! You two just wasted three of my arrows knowing neither of you can shoot to save your lives!" I yell at them

Both of their cheeks flush with a pinky color. "Maybe you should throw the sword," Katniss jokes to us. All of us sigh.

"Let's just wait her out, I mean she has to come down at some point. It's either that or starve to death." Peeta states. I swear that's the first time he has talked at all today.

"Alright, somebody make a fire," Cato says as we all walk off in different directions. Clove and I walk off to get some wood.


We walk in silence for a bit, before Clove breaks it. "So, you gonna tell any secrets, you know, because of our super strong alliance?" She asks me. "What kind of secrets?" I question back. "Anything, something to start a conversation really," She responds,

"Well, what do you want to talk about?"  

"I think this stick looks very nice,"

"You're kidding?"

"No, not really."


After we make a fire, we all eat "dinner." Very boring. We never decided on someone to keep watch, so I gave myself the task.

Marvel was sleeping straight on his back, a spear above his head. I debated about stabbing it into his skull and then running away, but I quickly shoved the idea out of my mind. Cato was sleeping on his side, Glimmer using one of his arms as a pillow.

 I pick up the knife out of its sheath and spin it around a few times. I am startled by the sound of beeping, I then watch the gift land on top of a tree. Of course, it's for Katniss.

 I feel myself start to get tired, It must be the middle of the night by now. I try to ignore it but sure enough, I find myself asleep,

with the enemy right above me. 


Hello guys! Chapter 18 is done! I'll see you tomorrow :)

Word count: 885 words

- ath3na

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