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Getaway Car - Taylor Swift
"Think about the place where you first met me..."


"What the hell was that?" I hear a screech from across the room. The voice belongs to Cato, of course, it does. I walk over to where the rest of the career pack has migrated to.

He starts to talk again but I quickly cut him off. "Hey! If I were you I would shut the hell up. The last thing you want is for twelve to hear you and get an ego boost. You're a career, act like it!"

He looks at me with anger in his face. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He spits before walking away. I scoff before smirking and walking off in the other direction, Clove close behind me.

"Following me around like a puppy I see." A smile tugs at her lips as the words come out of my mouth. "Maybe." She smirks at me. "Roof. Ten PM. Bye!" She says before skipping away.

By the time her words register in my brain, she's long gone. So I don't have to bother saying goodbye. I follow our mentors up to our floor. The elevator is eerily quiet.

"You two get undressed and into PJs and we will discuss some stuff later." Annie lectures. I nod before walking into my room and getting undressed.

I turn on the shower and step in, the scolding hot water is comforting. I wash my hair and body before returning to my bedroom and wringing out my hair with a towel. I put on a blue shirt and black sweatpants before walking into the dining room for dinner. I look around and see that everyone is here except for Raven.

"Hi Rhiannon, come sit down and eat." Finnick smiles at me. "Okay," I say before sitting down. A few seconds later an Avox brings me a plate of food. No dessert, of course.

"So, as you know there will maybe be two winners this year, we were thinking that you should go with Raven," Annie says. "But I thought he was just a weak link for you?" I question.

This is not how this is supposed to go. I don't care about Raven, my mentors don't care about Raven? I'm supposed to go with Clove?

Annie sighs, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Look, we don't care about him. But if you protect him, we may be able to bring back both of you. In the end, that's all we want as mentors." I guess their logic makes sense, but I already have a plan.

"I can't," I say nervously, "I've already allied..with Clove." I finish.

I have to say, the look on their faces was priceless. "But you just met her a few hours ago?" Finnick questions. "I know, but we've already talked everything out," I answer. They're both quiet for a second. We all turn our heads to where Raven has opened his door and is walking out. "We'll discuss this later," Annie says, before waving me away.

I walk back to my room and check the time. 9:30, guess I'll head up to the roof early. I quickly slip past everyone in the compartment and step into the elevator. I press the R button and the elevator starts to rise.


I'm sitting on the edge of the roof staring at the sunset, it truly is beautiful. Panem must have one of the most gorgeous sunsets ever. Well, it's the only one I've ever seen so I can't really say.

The only bad thing about it? It makes you contemplate your entire life. I'm only here because of my mom, I started training because of her, all of this is her fault. She's an evil, calculated mastermind.

I sigh as I hear the elevator doors open. I turn around to see Clove walking towards me.

"He- you look upset, are you okay?" She asks me, the concern on her face evident. "Yeah, just casually contemplating my entire life but that's a normal Tuesday for me." I joke, but she doesn't laugh

She takes a seat next to me. "Hey, wanna do something cool?." She asks me. I snort, "Here? Like what?" She doesn't respond, only grabs my wrist, looks at me, and smirks for a split-second before pulling me off the roof with her.

It's falling, but god it feels like flying. For just a little bit, everything's okay. I'm just flying through Panem.

Then we hit the force field and we get bounced back up to the top of the building. As I feel my feet hit the ground again, all my problems come falling down on my shoulders again.

I gasp as I return to real life and Clove lets go of my wrist. "Holy. Crap." I say breathlessly. "Where did you figure that out?" I ask her. "Brutus taught me." She answers, smiling softly at me. A real smile, not one of her signature smirks.

We both look at eat other and just burst out laughing. I started laughing so hard I cried, and when Clove snorted, we just laughed harder. "Can we go again?" I ask her between big gasps of air. "Yes." She laughs.

I walk back to the elevator but I don't get in. Instead, I turn back to face Clove who's looking at me funny. I just smirk at her before taking a running take-off and cannonball of the roof.

I let go of my ankles just in time to hit the force field and land back on the roof.

She's smiling at me by the time I turn around to face her. "We should get back," I say, her smile being replaced with a frown. "I guess." She says. We turn back to the elevator and walk in, I press the 4 and 2 buttons.

The elevator starts going down as Clove speaks "Meet me at the roof every night at 10 pm so we can discuss battle strategies." She says. I just nod my head in response.

The elevator nears the fourth level and as it starts to open she kisses my cheek right before they fully open. "See you tomorrow." She smirks at me and the doors close.


I slip into my room and get into the bed. All I can think about is Clove. God, I hope we make it out alive.

Finally updated this chapter, the first draft
 was so horrible omg. anyways guys I'm back
first update of 2024 let's goo

Status: Edited
Word Count: 1078 words

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