Chapter I: First Encounter

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"I don't really like interacting with people from the Akademiya because they don't view the arts too kindly..
Well maybe it is just some sort of stereotypical thinking."
"I wonder what type of activities they carry out when they're bored."

Nilou sounded.
Talking to her friends, she is none other than the Nilou.
A dancer under the Zubayr Theater, her dancing is but elegant and graceful. However, outside the stage's spotlight, she's just like any girl her age; warm, smiling, and friendly.

"Did you know that the general Mahamatra, Cyno, plays the Genius Invokation TCG??

"Cyno? He plays the TCG..? No way.. it sounds unbelievable for someone as scary as him to play that."
Like any other people, she also finds the general Mahamatra chilling or.. what's the right word for it?
Yes, frightening.
Though Nilou herself had never really seen him, she's heard stories about him from her friends and locals.

Her friends also mentioned how he liked making jokes, but Nilou didn't buy it.
They're probably just bluffing so I wouldn't be so scared..
She thought.
Little does she know what was about to happen to her during the day of one of her performances?


Zubayr Theatre.
The Sabzeruz Festival.
It is said that during the birthday celebration of the Dendro Archon, the Goddess of Flowers performed a dance, and countless beautiful Padisarahs began to bloom wherever she stepped.
But Nilou's dance isn't only about The Dance of Sabzeruz.
Nilou could dance elegantly, gracefully and leave people in awe with just a step of her own made dance. She could perform it in different arts and forms.

"As a dancer, you should convey emotions on stage, and your audience's smiles are their response to the emotions conveyed in your dance."
"Dance is born from human life and has belonged to everyone from the very beginning."
Nilou repeated her teacher's words.
Beginning her first step to her performance, she enjoys every second of it.

It wasn't long in the performance until she met with a gaze. A gaze that sent her chilling down to her spine.
In the audience, there was the general Mahamatra. He was wearing a hood so it wasn't very noticeable, but the glow from his red eyes, and the aura around him.. it was very clear to her.
Sure, she was scared, but the show must go on.
Nilou eventually drove her thoughts back to the performance, and another successful dance with awes and praises concluded.

Nilou was satisfied.
But there was one chip in her mind that hasn't been filled yet, and she was curious.
Why was he there?
No doubt, it really was the general Mahamatra.
He was surprisingly short —— intimidating.
Why would he be in Sumeru City?
Some sort of business at the Akademiya.. perhaps..?

Nilou sat there, lost in thoughts.
She didn't hear her friend calling out to her.



"Ah.. Sorry, Aya.. I didn't hear you."

"Come on.. why are so lost in thoughts? I called you out thrice already!"

Aya, one of Nilou's friends.
She didn't think they'd be much of friends because their hobbies was complete opposites, but they stuck around for a while.

"Sorry.. was dozing off a little.. anyway, Vihar gave me some Yalda Candies, would you like one?"

"No thanks.. I'm into chocolate more. Besides, they're your favourite right?"

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