Chapter VII: Dream

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Author's Notes

Ahah.. what an awkward encounter.
Let's get straight to the point, this fic will not be discontinued.
I keep.. uploading parts every 4 months or something and I can't even imagine how annoying it gets to read unfinished stories that you enjoy.. (i think) so I apologise.
I'll try my best to update regularly from now on, but I can't promise that due to how busy I am too, in real life. It's exam week currently ~
So enjoy this part for now!

P.S: Happy August! Let's say that they've already saved nahida in between chapter 4 and 5, to clear up some confusions ^^
Sorry if there's any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes!

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The red haired's eyes peered open.
Beside her, was a white haired General Mahamatra.
He was...

Her eyes widened, she did not hesitate let out a high pitched scream, loud enough for anyone in the neighbourhood to hear.
Cyno opens his eyes in shocked, still a bit groggy, quickly panicking at his darling's sudden scream.
"W..What's wrong?! Nilou?! Did you see something?? Did you have a nightmare?! What is it??"
He quickly sprung up and checked Nilou worriedly, her forehead, mostly. (Maybe to confirm that she hasn't gone insane yet?)

The red haired formed tears in her eyes. Cyno could sense that she was about to let out another glass-shattering scream. He cuffs her mouth in response.

"..Can you calm down? What happened?"
"Wait— Why are you crying?! Is it because I cuffed your mouth?? Nilou- Are you alright..?"
Cyno panics as he quickly puts down his hand.

"Uhuk.. Y-You.. pervert! Cyno! I didn't think you'd be so shameless to sneak into my bedroom like this! Uuwaaa.."

"But, Nilou.. We live together.. what do you mean by sneak? Did you have a bad dream?"

N..Now that he's said it, the interior of my bedroom looks way different.
What is this? A lucid dream?
I'm living with Cyno?!

Nilou's face turn a bright red, the General Mahamatra couldn't understand. First she screams and cries, calling him a pervert and accusing him of shameless actions.. second, she stops crying and looks away from him.

"..Can you pinch me?"


"My cheeks! Just do it like you always do!"

"Why so sudden..?"

"Don't question!!"
Nilou was dumbfounded, if it really is a dream, what type of things could lead to her dreaming about living with Cyno and waking up next to him sleeping without a shirt?! Not like she's not used to seeing him without a shirt, but it's oddly weird and.. filthy!
Without questioning further, Cyno pinches Nilou's cheeks lightly.

"Why are you pinching it so lightly??"

"Why would I—

"TCG sucks."

Cyno starts pinching her cheeks harder.
"Ow-Ow-Ow!! That hfurtss~!"

"You're the one who told me to. What's wrong with you this morning?" He stops pulling her cheeks and only holding them gently with the both of his palms.
She felt pain, could it have been real after all..?
Nilou's not one to know about lucid dreams, if someone were to be knowledgeable about it, it'd probably be Dunyarzard or Layla.
But she was just preparing to head to sleep in her own bed just about an hour ago.. so it doesn't make sense. Did she somehow entered some different world? Is this an alternate universe? How do I leave..?

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