Chapter V: Smile

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Every time Nilou takes the stage, a press of people crowds the Grand Bazaar until all are standing shoulder to shoulder.
Her audience comes from all walks of life. Be it a knowledgeable researcher or a mercenary who's seen true brutality — everyone is attracted here by Nilou's gorgeous, dancing form.
But that wasn't the case of the gathered crowd at the Grand Bazaar today.

"Miss Nilou, are you having an affair with the general?"
"Miss Nilou!! How're you doing with the general??"
"Nilou! Are you actually Cyno's girlfriend??"
"Are you.. the general's wife..?"

Seriously, where do they come from?
It wasn't long until Mr Zubayr finally kicked them out.
Who knew the Grand Bazaar would be crowded not because of Nilou's performance — yet because of the rumours circling around the performer?
When did "If you meet Nilou off-stage, don't be intimidated. Say hello to her, and she'll be very happy about it" turn to "If you meet Nilou off-stage, be wary. If you say hello to her, she'll break your legs off and use it as decoration during her dancing performances"??

"Are you alright sweetheart?"
Nilou's mother asks, clearly concerned.

If there was anything special about Nilou's family, it was that Nilou's parents' loved and cared for her very much.
Although the pursuit of scholarship is prevalent in Sumeru, Nilou's parents never compared her with other children, nor did they expect her to become a researcher.

She'd be lying if she said everything was okay, the rumours did nothing but make the girl feel distressed. It's rare to see her smile these days, and when she does; it'll only be for a split second.
And who wouldn't feel concerned to see someone who's always smiling suddenly in a bothered condition?
The red haired girl sighed, there was no use in telling what's not true.
"I'm tired of these rumours.. I only just wanted to be friends with him, it wasn't my intention to create such bizarre and absurd rumours!"

"Aw, don't fret about it, honey pie.. I'm sure the rumours will die down soon.."
Her father speaks in a gentle tone.

Sure it will.
Though if the world were to turn upside down for Nilou, she still wouldn't like to have her parents be so worried over their daughter who has already reached adulthood. It'd be better off for her to face her problems alone rather than bother her busy, frail caretakers.


"Answer me."

The dancer snapped back into reality, realising that the general had been watching her doze off for some minutes.

"Ah.. Sorry, Cyno.."

"Have you not been sleeping well lately?"

"How could I, when there's rumours around?? Have you?"

"Yes, I have. A full night's rest is essential for one's day to process after all."
"I would love to be paid to fall asleep."
"It would be my dream job."

Was that an attempt at a joke?
Nilou didn't get it, however.
Or maybe she her thoughts were too occupied to actually acknowledge them.
Cyno was irritated.

"If you don't like those rumours so much, I'll—"

"No! You're going to suggest for us to stop meeting again, aren't you?!"

"..No, I wanted to sa—"

"Save it! I will never agree with that, not even if my life's at stake!"


"Why are you so eager?! I've told you many times already.. or is it that you're the one who doesn't want to be friends?? Is that it?!"


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