Chapter IX: Misfortunes

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The architect behind the Palace of Alcazarzaray, Kaveh was a student of the Kshahrewar Darshan of the Sumeru Akademiya and graduated with honors, earning the moniker "Light of Kshahrewar."
Alhaitham, also known as Sumeru's acting scribe is who Kaveh was forced to reside with. Though, they have a.. some sort of complicated relationship.
Having arguments everyday and week, their relationship would grow stronger each day.
Though, Kaveh would never imagined his used-to-be-cute junior Alhaitham could become taller and hotter than him once they met again.
Not to mention, the current situation they're in currently.

As a kindhearted, beautiful, nice person, I Kaveh, had volunteered to help the beautiful dancer from Zubayr Theatre, Nilou.
She says she often gets scammed in the Grand Bazaar due to her stupidly falling for scam tricks. (Not that I can't relate..)
But as a nice companion, I'm willing to dirty my beautiful hands (other than by architect work) helping a lady in need!

..Is what Kaveh thought.
Without realising, he had also got caught in the scammer's tricks..

"Seriously?! 10% discount?! No way!"
"Nilou! Look at this! It's a 5% discount on the new limited face mask! What a steal! I've never gotten my hands on it!"
"Woah.. is that a discount on some stationaries??"

It looks like Nilou's journey for today went from getting help to helping someone.
Kaveh was way taller than her, and it was hard to keep him distracted with all the discounts around.
Not to mention.. Kaveh is already broke enough.
Nilou pondered, who is really the one who needs help on scammers..?

She stood still, not doing anything to cease his actions.
Her mind was only filled with thoughts — thoughts that are often in her mind.
As a dancer, a daughter, and a friend.

"When is my next performance scheduled?"
"I should cook something for my mother."
"Maybe I should recommend the traveler some delicious food.."

Her trail of thought then ended, so suddenly.
She picked up a note that flew her way, all the way from the back of a closed and far stall.
;Then it strucked in her mind.
The handwriting! It was the same handwriting as the anonymous flowers sender!
Not too long ago, an anonymous sender kept sending bouquets on her doorstep. She couldn't figure out who it was, and it started getting.. a bit irritating.
Regardless, it stopped at some point — and only curiosity filled her mind.

The red haired followed the direction of where the note came from.
"Is anyone there..?"
She called out, and there was no response.
Once she had gotten closer behind the stall, everything went black.
And all she recalled was a few whispers.

The blonde architect looked around, not finding Nilou anywhere.
Weird, she was just right there not too long ago..?
Ah, it might've been an urgent matter.. no?
He shook it off, going back to his "shopping spree" until his arm was pulled away by someone.
His oh-so-perfect, Sumeru scribe, who had almost became the Grand Sage, his roommate, Alhaitham.

"You're already broke. Why are you spending money again?"


Kaveh gritted his teeth, complaining there and there as he let his roommate drag him away. Truth be told, it would be better that way. He needed money for his projects in the future.. and wasting them right then and there would be a bad conclusion.
He was dragged to two of his other friends, Tighnari and Cyno. Apparently they were going for a round of drinks and TCG. Of course, as always, Cyno would win in TCG.. and Kaveh would place last. Though, it doesn't hurt to try his luck once in a while.. right?

Cyno looked around, "Wasn't Nilou supposed to be with you?" he asked. He did recall them talking about meeting up today.

"Nilou? I figured she had an emergency or something.. since she was gone by the time I turned around! It must've been so urgent she forgot to tell me.. well, not that it matters! At least she didn't scammed.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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