Chapter VIII: Anonymous Fan

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A/N :
i'm a disappointment lets just get right into it
i didnt check for spelling or grammar mistakes lmao


Every research in Sumeru has always ended in success, that is if you were using wisdom correctly.
Many researchers had used wisdom to commit blatant crimes, and whenever the Judicator of Secrets puts them in their places.. they start blaming him, throwing accusations and insults.
Cyno's response to such sophistry is always to stay silent and press forward in subduing all those garrulous criminals and sending them to trial. Those who violate the rules can always come up with a million excuses.

However, only one ending awaits them.

Cyno dreamt about something.
There used to be a saying seemingly called "People in Sumeru, do not dream."
Although it seems like a shame, they view it as a source of pride.
Though, why was the dream so odd?
If his forest friend ever asked, he wouldn't even know what joke to share.

"You dreamt about Nilou getting married to Alhaitham? What a loser." That's what the fennec fox would say.
It was a stupid and utterly weird dream. It's called dreams, not nightmares!
The white haired pondered about it as he performs a walk in the chilly night of the desert.
The desert is extremely hot in the morning, but it's like a whole winter place when it turns night. A foreigner wouldn't be able to survive 2 days in it.
Unless you're the traveler, of course.

Though for Cyno, he's quite used to it. He's fond of the desert and lived there for quite some time. He usually only visits the cities for Akademiya matters.. but he found himself visiting it quite more often lately. Not by being called for work though.
The breezy night blew his long, white hair. Creating a gorgeous shampoo commercial.
He then heard a girl's voice. Much like one he recognises so well.
"Shoo! Shoooo! Get away!" The girl tried to keep her voice down, but still loud enough for the little desert foxes to leave.

Cyno rushed through, he was then immediately awed by the scene.
Why was she on a palm tree?

"..Nilou? How did you get up there?"

"..C-Cyno?!" Nilou looked at him in relief. Someone to save her from her doom (the foxes) !
"Please help me rid of these foxes!!"

Cyno stood there watching his crush weep on a tree. He then gazed down at the foxes and a sudden staring contest began.
Of course, the General Mahamatra would never lose to such things.
The white haired glared, making the foxes intimidated and scurry away in panic.
The red haired dancer got down, quickly embracing the general afterwards.
He stood still frozen like the snowmans in Snezhnaya.

"Thank you! Phew.. I didn't know what to do.."
As Nilou was about to let go of the embrace, Cyno whispered.
"Don't let go.."


Poor Cyno.
He didn't want Nilou to see his red expression.
It was night, surely she couldn't see, right?
But the moonlight's bright.
And he'd rather die then let her see him in such state.

Nilou turns slightly red. He seemed adorable. Too adorable. If her dignity let her, she'd hug him tighter.
After a period of time, Cyno leaves the embrace. He quickly thought of an excuse.

"Ahem. I apologise. My.. uhm.. leg was cramping, and I couldn't move."

Would Nilou buy that?
She isn't that naive, surely..

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