Chapter 40 The proposal

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Chapter 40

The proposal

The princess strolled her way over to the center post of camp where the festively prepared tent stood. She was swarmed to her right and left by a crowd of hands and smiles. A mass of excited nobles, their entourages, personal guard, and everyone in between were all competing for her attention as she made acquaintances with all of them. You would have thought it was the peak of noon at castle town square by the bustling noise of it all, though it was just two and a half hours past the fall of the evening.

On the other hand, Link had arrived at the outskirts alongside his companions and was eager to get back within her company, but the crowd huddled so tightly around her that it made it impossible for him to get a leg in edgewise. At least, not without being rude. And he most certainly didn't want to behave like that. Tonight was too important.

Zelda halted abruptly; the parade of nobility following closely behind nearly fell over into a dogpile by the sudden break in their march. She twirled under the grand flap of the tent and faced everyone in attendance. So many new faces were beaming back, and all their eyes were locked on her. A gurgle in her belly pitted, and she found that her palms were sweaty. The back of her neck throbbed with a chill.

The realization that she was the sole remaining heir to the house of Hylia weighed heavily atop her shoulders. There were no coattails of the king to hide behind anymore. All things pertaining to ruling the realm was in her hands, whether capable or not.

She heaved a breath, trying her darnedest not to let the nervousness get the best of her. And with that, she forced the most cheerful smile she could offer them, swallowed the frog in her throat, and began a speech. Her small voice cracked in the rustling wind, and at first, it seemed it would be lost in the commotion of everyone else that were eagerly waiting for her to speak. Though as soon as she attempted again, those in attendance quickly found their reverence for her.

"I...I bid thee thanks for you all being here on this momentous occasion! For this night, we celebrate and remember those who've given all they had. Their noble deeds in life will not be forgotten throughout the ages, and they shall echo throughout eternity. Let it be decreed that from this day forward, each year this night will mark the day that Calamity Ganon was defeated once and for all, thrusts down into that pit of the earth from whence he came. Sealed away in a fiery chasm for time everlasting.

"All shall remember and give praise and thanks on this night to the victorious dead and those honorable living heroes among us. For tonight is for you, my people, my brave men of Hyrule. For your knees did not falter, and your fighting spirit did not wane in our hour of need. Your hearts arose to the challenge.

"Tonight commemorates those who stormed the castle steps without a thought of caring for their own safety and well-being but for their love for their friends, family, and countrymen. Knowing full well that with every step they braved forward could have been their last, yet valiantly charged on to face the unknown shadows lurking for them."

The princess paused; her face flushed against the chill breeze. Her expression staring through time.

Everyone stood in silence, not sure if she had finished her praising or not. And that was when Zelda gazed far over them, beyond the camp, past the vast meadows of Hyrule to what seemed the edge of the map of the world itself. Before anyone could say a word, she then glanced at the milky twinkling of stars through scattered clouds and sky before taking another breath to continue. This time she was entranced, and a spirit of enlightenment veiled over her face.

Although her mouth was moving, it didn't sound like they were her words at all. Through her voice echoed the resonating prayer of another. Or perhaps, it was her voice pleading for their sake to the other. It couldn't be sure. Zelda was locked in meditation. Not one of closed eyes and mind but one of words and recounting.

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