Possibilities or Pipe Dreams?

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-6 Months Later-

Steve finally made his way out to see me like he said he would, I just didn't realize it'd take so long for everything to die down. He hugs me quickly, "We ended up finding Thanos and killing him. It didn't end up doing anything we wanted it too though." I shrug, "You guys tried though, that's all that matters." He looks out the window toward Thor's home, "How's he been?" I shrug, "He's been gone for a few months now." I bend to crack my back, revealing a 7 month baby bump from under my robes. Steve stands up in shock, "When did you find out?" I sigh as a tear rolls down my cheek, "I found a week after I came back here. We conceived on our honeymoon. I'm about 28 weeks along now. The only person that knows is my Doctor here in Asgard, I haven't told anyone else." He nods but I can tell he has a bunch of questions running through his mind, he decided to ask, "Who's going to help you raise the child?" I shrug, "Me, myself and I? Maybe Thor if he ever decides to come back." He walks up to me, putting his hands on my shoulders, "I will help you, if you want. We don't have to be together or anything, I wouldn't disrespect Bucky like that but I want to help you raise his child." I smirk as I rub my belly, "I'm so scared, Steve. What if I'm an awful mother because of what happened to him?" He holds my face in his hands, "Don't you think like that, you'll be an amazing mother. Just remind him as often as you can how amazing his Father was. Keep his memory alive." I start crying, "Everything here reminds me of him. I cry every second of everyday, it's gotten so embarrassing, I only leave to see my Doctor now. I've been ignoring calls and texts from Natasha and Tony because they remind me of how I lost him. You're the only person who doesn't make me feel shitty and that doesn't make sense because you were the closest person to him." He sighs deeply before walking back over to the couch, "I can stay here, if you want. I have nothing better to do with myself these days, so I'm available for emotional support whenever you need." I nod, "Of course I want you to stay but only do so if you actually want to, don't do it because you're worried about me, I'm as fine as I can be right now." He smirks, "I wouldn't offer if I didn't want to." I force a sad smile, "I appreciate it." 

-5 Years Later-

Steve left a few hours ago with James to bring him to a playdate with Tony and Pepper's daughter, Morgan. James is named after his father but it hurt too much to call him Bucky so I stuck with James. He's almost 5 now, he has a few more months to go. Thor visits with him ever so often but Steve has been like a father to him, James calls him Uncle Steve and he knows all about Bucky. He wishes he would've known him because of how 'awesome' he sounds. Little does he know how right he is. I wander around the house picking up toys, I go into Steve's room and start his laundry for him. He doesn't like when I do things for him but I do it anyways, he deserves someone to take care of him with all he does for everyone else all the time so I do it. Steve brings James back at the end of the day, he seems excited as he puts James in his room, he closes the door behind him, "So I went to visit Nat at the headquarters while James was with Tony and guess who showed up at the front gates?" I shrug, "Thor?" He gives me a 'come on, be real' look before continuing, "Scott. Ant Man, whatever you know him as." I chuckle, "I know him as neither but do go on." He seems excited as he says, "There's hope of fixing what Thanos did, if we can go back in town and get all of the stones before he does, we can reverse what he did." My face drops as my heart sinks, "You'll have better luck getting Thor to come out of hiding than you will for me to help you." Steve's face drops as well, "Freya, I know what you've been through a lot but we could really use your help on this one." I shake my head, "No, I won't be giving into false hope, I'm sorry. I have to think about James now." He nods, "Alright. I'm going alone then, I'll keep in touch, if you want me too." I shrug, "I'm not interested in chances, I'm sorry, Steve. You'll have to go in alone for this one but I do wish you luck." He nods with a sad look on his face, "I understand." He goes into his room and comes out with a bag a few minutes later, "I won't come back unless I have Bucky." I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness as he closes the front door behind him. I can't even deal with hearing his name anymore. 

Agent X: Out From The Shadows//BuckyBarnesFanFicWhere stories live. Discover now