Chapter 7• Please help... Part 2

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Warning: Violent scenes may occurred and strict words. Read at your own risk.

Carolina's POV

I turn the last lace in my hair and looked at my mirror for the last time before smiling and getting up from the comfy stool. I twirled around for Rowena to see, "Beautiful ribbon, Carolina." she stated and I nodded.

Rowena wore a dark green ball gown with little flowers on the ends of the skirt, while her too is black. It has no sleeves so she could move comfortably. While I wore a white as snow ball gown, similar to my wedding dress, I mean supposed to be wedding dress. This one has no sleeves while the wedding dress has one, it was lace.

A tear accidentally slipped and I quickly wiped it away before Rowena could see it but she already noticed it. "Hey, what's wrong?" she cooed.

I shook my head, "Nothing, my eyes sting from an air dust. No worries." I waved off with a hoarse voice, I've been crying for hours and my throat hurts badly. I'm thinking I have a soar throat. "Carolina, you should have a cup of water, really. You sound different."

Again, I denied. "No, we need to get going now, my father will get mad for being late." I took her hand with me and walked down the stairs. Her hand was cold but I shook it off since it is night time and the cold breeze proved it once we got out of the house.

My father decided to have a separated carriage since he still do not trust Rowena but I don't trust him anymore with my mother.

The ride took long since my grandmother's house is very far away, she lives in the South. We had to get on a train, but only one ride.

By now, we're already right in front of the palace. The painted stones, catching the attention of the people here as the dark color of blue burned in their minds. I closed the book in my hands that I was reading on the way. I placed it right beside me as one of our men opened the door and took his hand out to help me. I accepted it and carefully got down, each step was very cautious. I was scared, scared to fall and embarrass myself in front of lots. Am I really the problem? The reason of our falling out? Harry was right, I am a perfectionist. Just like my father.

A hand went its way on my shoulder and I turned around quickly, it was Rowena. I sighed calmly, and smiled at her. She smiles back, "Your mother told me to be at your side, for the night."

"Oh, alright then. Let's go meet my grandmother."

She nodded and walked beside me, two golden doors opened by two men they curtsied as I nod my head. We sauntered in the ball room but before we could continue down the stairs one of my grandmother's men gripped his long cane and held it up and down with a loud thud on the carpeted floor. Getting the people's attention.

"Princess Carolina Evangeline Bennett of the North has arrived." he said in a very large voice. I smiled sweetly to him and mouthed a thank you.

They all applauded as I graced down the case of stairs, while Rowena stood her stiff body by me. It was obvious she wasn't used with people. "Do not worry, my dear. They will return to their doings after the last step." I whispered to her. She was a nervous wreck and all I can do for now is to reassure her that nothing wrong will happen.

Nothing wrong.

She gave me a small smile before glancing back at the audience, many pair of eyes watched the both of us walk but none of them were from the one I love nor his brothers. Where could they have been? Maybe they refused to come because of me, because I am here and Harry knows we will just have another round of hurtful verbal fight. Or, he does not love me anymore.

I gasped when my bust started to tighten, my lungs no longer inhaling air, my heart almost stopped it's beating.

My hand reacted quickly towards Rowena's and she looked at me, "Carolina, are you alright?" she asked. We were now away from the people's sight and hearing, in a dark corner. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to get some oxygen in my system but not even an ounce entered. I squeezed her hand as I gasped for air, the middle of my bust hurts the most. It wasn't my lungs, it was my heart.

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