Chapter 6• Please help... Part 1

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Carolina's POV

"What were you thinking!?"

"Father, please, you have to understand that this woman is in need of help; medication!"

My father went straight forward to me with his point finger, the front of my face, "You do not have the right place to tell me what to do." He seethed, my eyes wide at the sight. A very horrible sight. Who is this man and what has he done to my father? He would never do such thing as like this to me, I do know quite well that in some moments, I disrespect and mostly be stubborn. But never, never in a million years would he do this, to me or my mother.

"I am your daughter, and as your daughter, I should help those citizens who are in need of help or anything. I cannot let them die out there, in the woods and the dark, with no possible hope." In other words, I have the right place to tell you the right thing. I thought.

His fists tightened in a shape of balls, the nerves in his neck showed prominently. He heaved repeatedly and a feeling that it was bound to happen, finally bursted out in me. Fear. Now, I am frightened.

I never thought that this day would come, where I fear the man who made me trapped in this somewhat purgatory and today, is the day. I love my father, dearly. But with the way he is acting this passed few weeks, he has been nothing but a monster to me. A child that would never think of their father.

"You... you-" he raised his right arm in a slapping manner and I backed away quickly and had put my arms up in front of me. To shield myself from the creature that little kids feared that they would come out of their closet or under the bed. And he has lashed out.

I heard a loud smacking noise and I shrieked but did not feel any hurting or burning sensation. I looked up and gasped, taking in the scene right in front of my shaking body like a leaf.

I gasped and covered my gasping mouth in shock. My mother, my father's wife, the light to our home. She took the place, she took my place that I was supposed to intake and let my cheeks soar 'till dusk.

Even my father gasped, the pool of his eyes; disbelief that is. "V-Victoria, I did not mean that-"

Mother glared upon him, despite the already forming red hand print of her husband, that was supposed to protect her from the bad or evil. Instead, the table was turned.

"You did not mean it to me, but to our own daughter, now that is a very different story, Victor." She seethed, while jabbing her point finger to my father's hard chest, but his head low. It was obvious that he was ashamed, but I do not tend to watch this horrific and saddening film. But no, this was not some made-up story, it was the tragic reality. I quickly went up to my room and closed the door behind me with such force that the wooden wall next to it, vibrated loudly that caused a hung picture frame fall to the wooden floor with now shattered glass.

I crouched down carefully to the broken frame and realized it was a picture of me and Harry, our very first photo together. I was sitting on a chair, stomach in, shoulders back and chin up. I looked highly with a very faint smile while Harry stood behind me, partially. His hands behind his back, his face on a full frown but still the handsomest man I've ever known as he looked intently at the camera.

I took the black and white photo but was not cautious enough that my pinky got slit by a shred of glass while trying to pick it up. I winced and hissed at the same time, I brought my small finger closer to my eyesight to check if it was deep, luckily it was not. Although, it bled uncontrollably, that a dew drop of my own blood fell down on the picture, to my face that is now all bloody.

This is bad, but I am not sure how. My grandmother says that it is bad luck to have any of your pictures ripped apart or the simple frame with the picture in it is broken. A very unfortunate time for me, that is. But I did not mind it at all and thought that I will have to call Aunt Colette and let this mess get cleaned up.

I slowly walked out of my room and closed the door behind me in a very quiet way, because I was trying to listen if my parents are still downstairs but silence was louder than ever. I walked down the staircase and proceeded to the kitchen, where the maids are.

As my feet dragged me to the busy kitchen, I was having a thought about the disturbing crumpled paper, which is still with me.

And Harry.

Oh, how I have wanted to tease him by calling him Edward instead of his first name. He doesn't like it when I call him that, he says and I quote: "It is very un-manly to call a man with a posh name." Then, I would have an argue with that statement of his. Saying, how I like calling him Edward; although, equally to Harry. And, I remembered how I truly madly deeply miss him. He was right, about everything to me, I am a perfectionist. Just like my father and now, look what I have done.

"Miss Carolina, what are you doing here?" Aunt Colette asked, in a curious manner.

"Oh, am I unwanted here too? I'll just go-"

"No, certainly not! I was only-"

I faintly smiled at her, "Curious. I understand, and I was just teasing." She smiled and shook her head to herself, must be thinking how silly she was that I don't always take things seriously.

She guided me to one of the wooden stools with the old long table. Food was present on it, clearly dinner is almost ready, but I was more intrigued when a beautiful woman was sitting beside me. I turned to her and she was almost devouring the plate in front of her. Must be really hungry. And haven't eaten in days.

"Rowena, how are you?" I asked and she quickly stopped eating then wiped her mouth with the once white napkin now partially covered in different variety of food.

She cleared her throat, "I'm alright M-Miss Carol-lina, you?" She doesn't seem fine to me, the shivering of her body, the stuttering; she's cleaned enough and her wounds are properly cared.

"Let's just say that I couldn't lie right now. No use of it." I sighed, while bandaging my little finger. I was cleaning it by the time I asked her.

"Is there something wrong, Miss Carolina?"

"Just call me Carolina, no need with the miss. And to answer your question, yes, there is something wrong. I guess it's me." I picked at my sleeve while looking down, I know I'm the problem, as to why there has been chaos for the past month. I noticed, that I have been running away from my problems and that I don't fix them. I wanted to, but I don't have the strength to. I'm too weak, too reliable to the others.

"You are a very nice person Carolina, you helped me even you don't know me, I can see that you are going to help a lot of people in the future. If you're thinking you are not brave enough to do it, that's where you're wrong. Because I know that you're an independent woman, someday, the people you love will look up to you..." She said as she held my trembling hand. Scared, that I might fall to the ground in a matter of seconds.

She was smiling at me and I did too, as a sign of thank you.

"You're lucky she found you, Rowena." Aunt Colette piped in.

We all laughed, including the maids. "And I'm very thankful for that." I grinned, "But I was so frightened when you had your bow and arrow right at me, I almost peed!" We laughed again.

"I am terribly sorry for that, it was my first instinct."

"A good instinct that is."

I let her continue to eat while I sit around and think of the future, on how would it look like if they weren't our ups and downs, Harry and I would have lived so peacefully by now.


"Yes, Carolina?"

"Do you happen to know how to dance?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Not that much, why?"

"Cause you are coming with me tomorrow night."


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this, especially @SamantaXX; you are a very wonderful human being. May God bless you endlessly :)

Sorry for the very long wait, like for a whole month, my parents are having issues so... I'm not that really well but I'll try to update again for Part 2.

Don't miss it! The story is just getting started MUWAHAHAHAHAHA! LOVE YOU LOTS~


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