I Have an Idea

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The roar of Steve's red Mercedes- Benz SL could be heard as it approached a house at the end of a suburban neighborhood. The house blared obnoxious pop music as Steve idly sat in his car, his breath hitching occasionally.

Steve glanced towards the house with annoyance, he would rather not be here right now.

Nancy was currently celebrating a New Year's Eve party, and she had not only convinced Steve but, both Robin and Eddie to come to her "gathering."

Steve pointed his attention back to the steering wheel of his car, his hands harshly gripping at them. It had honestly been a long time since Steve had gone to a party.

Steve wore some tight bleached jeans accompanied by a loose turtleneck with a blazer on top.

He was honestly so fucking nervous, he really only came since Robin and Eddie were going to go. And he didn't exactly want to spend another New Year's Eve alone, so he caved into the pure pressure.

Steve shook his head as he checked his hair in the rear mirror, sighing once he was satisfied with his look.

Steve slickly got out of his car, making sure to lock it behind him. He waltzed around it, admiring its beauty before heading for the front door, feeling instant dread. 


Steve lounged on a very uncomfortable couch in the corner of the living room. Not only was everybody around him having too much fun, he was about to fucking pass out by how bored he was.

Sure Nancy was a phenomenal host, excellent in fact, but recently parties were just really not his thing. In fact, he would rather be working a dry shift with Robin at work than watching this shit show unravel right in front of him.

Steve took another sip from his cup as he scanned the room for Robin or maybe even Eddie. But the two genuinely seemed nowhere near the party, he was starting to think that they ditched him, but he shook the idea.

Steve gulped his beverage down unwillingly as a very unflattering couple began to get it on beside him. Steve stood abruptly, rubbing his hands on his sides, awkwardly scanning the room once more for his nerdy friends.

He began walking around with no place truly in mind, anywhere out of here would have been splendid.

He couldn't remember how or when, but he soon found himself in the kitchen. But surprisingly to his luck, Nancy was in here and Robin was chatting her up.

Steve's complexion changed upon seeing the two girls. He smiled as Robin seemed to notice him, Nancy finding more interest in Robin than Steve to notice him.

Steve strutted over to Nancy and Robin, his strut wobbling occasionally. He tapped Nancy's shoulder, alerting her that there was another presence in the room apart from Robin.

'Nance I think I'm gonna go-' he went on about something else, but his ears seemed to drown out his speech. All he knew was that Nancy was nodding and Robin was whining for him to stay. Steve nodded to the two, smirking at Robin and smiling at Nancy as he left the kitchen.

Steve's head was pounding by the time he was outside, he gasped as his lungs took in the fresh air as if it could have slipped away from him at any time. He shook his head, his hair getting a bit messy by the action.

He rubbed his eyes as he took in another deep breath,

'Jeez Harrington, I've never seen you so happy over something.' Steve perked up from the familiar voice, turning his head to be face to face with the fucking bastard he had been looking for earlier, Eddie Munson.

Steve's bliss was taken away from him and replaced with annoyance, for fuck's sake he had thought Eddie abandoned him. And here he was getting as high as a kite on the front porch of the wheeler household. He heard Eddie chuckle from the slight change in his body language, upon Eddie's existence.

'And it appears that I have successfully taken it away as quick as it arrived' Steve sighed as his eyes scanned Eddie who seemed smug with his remarks.

For once, he was not wearing his hellfire shirt, instead it was replaced with a simple black velvet button up, his chest tattoos being on full display. His still worn his black ripped jeans, but instead his dirty white shoes were replaced with pointy black cowboy boots.

'Jeez Harrington, I know I look good but not that good' Steve chuckled at the response to his blatant staring causing him to shuffle with his hair before looking at Eddie again.

'You wish you looked better than me Munson, you wish' Steve said, elongating the last part. He dragged his feet toward Eddie, who was destroying a blunt whilst lounging lazy on the patio bench.

'You know I was looking for you in their freak' Steve joked, Eddie smiling in response from the nickname.

'Well you have found me now have you not, my liege'

Ever since the shit that the whole group had gone through last summer, Eddie and Steve had gotten extremely close.

Hanging out almost every night to smoke and mess around, calling each-other frequently throughout the night, and maybe even having faint feelings for him. Steve genuinely enjoyed the guy, he made him smile and never failed to entertain Steve with an act.

He walked around Eddie, plopping down onto the bench which surprisingly was way better compared to the shitty couch inside. Steve pointed his attention towards Eddie, who seemed pretty high.

Eddie was currently taking quick drags from his blunt, staring blankly off the front porch; Steve's intense stare causing the boy to face Steve with a mischievous smirk.

'Hey, I have an idea'

"It's a beautiful night,

Eddie deviously smirked as he leaned close to Steve.

we're looking for something dumb to do"

'Let's get out of here and do something fun.'

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