Our Night Isn't Over Yet

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Eddie giggled as he took another swig from his bottle. He was currently laying down on a picnic table next to his crush, Steve Harrington.

Maybe if you had told Eddie some months earlier that he was going to fight fucking demons and become best friends with Steve Harrington. He would have never believed you, and maybe even call you insane.

Eddie let out a sigh as Steve continued to laugh beside him. Honestly inviting Steve to a spot like this was a long shot for Eddie, and Steve had surprisingly fell into his trap.

Ever since the incident he never truly was able to get some alone time with Steve. Well he at-least tried to, but Nancy or Robin always came along.

Eddie didn't exactly hate the girls but he would have enjoyed it if Steve and him weren't accompanied by a third wheel.

Eddie's eyes slid over to Steve's face, staying there for a while. Eddie took in how long Steve's eyelashes were or how he had certain moles in many place, he like his wavy hair and how it seemed rather fluffy than jelly.

Eddie's eyes grazed every single feature of Steve Harrington shamelessly, at this point he didn't care if he got caught. Soon Steve had token notice to Eddie's obvious staring turning to look at Eddie.

They were close, so so close, Eddie sucked on his own breath as his eyes panicked. Steve raised his eyebrows giving Eddie a concerned look as he began to turn his whole body to face Eddie,

'You got something to say Ed's?' Ed's, since when did Harrington call him Ed's.

'Never been better Stevie' Eddie quickly blurted, trying to make the tension between them less awkward. Although Eddie's words just seemed to rile up the air more.

Eddie suddenly sat up from his spot on the bench startling Steve. He took a harsh breath as his pacing eyes laid on the beautiful night scenery.

He heard Steve shuffle behind him, soon sitting up to accompany Eddie in his staring.

'It's beautiful you know' Steve commented as Eddie turned his eyes pacing again upon Steve reflection.

Eddie gave Steve a confused look urging for Steve to elaborate,

'What is, t-the scenery or?'

Eddie blurted out his words his sentence missing half of its explanation. Steve turned to Eddie, a smile lighting up his complexion as he burst into a laugh.

A small smile appeared on Eddie's face as he to burst into laughter, the two calming down soon after.

'Gosh Eddie I was talking about the scenery, no need for you to stumble over your words' Steve commented as he stared down Eddie, a soft look leaking from his eyes.

Right, there was no way in hell a straight guy like Steve would ever find Eddie pretty. Eddie's smile seemed to loosen up as he turned away from Steve facing the scenery again.

They sat their for a while, not a single word was shared but tensions were not rising. Instead the air left a comforting feel in it, one that Eddie would have fallen asleep to if they're weren't lounging near a cliff.

The silence soon was broken as Eddie turned to Steve abruptly a his smiling returning with much more joy.

'Hey, don't you think we ought to boost this scene with some music' Eddie invited giving Steve a playful Smile.

'I have some Vinyls at my house, plus I got a new player' Eddie exclaimed his excitement apparent.

Don't say no, no, no, no, no

Steve gave him a doubting look before he gave a answer

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

'Why not, it's not like I have anything to do other than hang out with you' Steve teased as he carefully hopped down from the picnic table.

And we'll go, go, go, go, go

His hand surged into his pocket pulling out his keys. Eddie wandered a bit taking in the sight of the mountains for a while till he accompanied Steve.

If you're ready, like I'm ready


Sorry this chapter was a little short but i will try to get the next one out if I don't loose my motivation ( ̄▽ ̄)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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