|| Prologue 2 ||

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Zhongli had finished up his shift at liyue highschool. He checked the time 5:00 pm, Ah i see i should get ready for me and Venti's meet up, he thought. Zhongli took his laptop and work bag and started to head out to his car. He put his bag in the trunk and put his laptop on his passenger seat. 

Zhongli arrived at home greeted by his dog Azhdaha. The dog barks as he greeted him then Hu tao comes down the staris "Hey dad how was work?" Hu tao asks curiously. "It was fine Taotao was working with Yanfei fun?" Zhongli replies. "Yeah she's brilliant, also now if the funeral parlour is getting sued Yanfei will definetly help me!" she tells Zhongli. He laughs a little. "Is Xiao not home?" He asks concerned. "Oh he's just helping out at Wangshu Inn!" Hu tao answers.He nods and then walks upstairs to fix his hair. He changes his clothes to be more casual cause he's going to a coffee shop and not an office job.

|| With Venti ||

Venti was exploring more of liyue then he got a text from his groupchat. He checked who it was from and saw that it was from kaeya.

|| drunk trio + Bartender ||



Venti how's liyue!


Its really nice plus i made a friend!


you replacing us bestie?


I didn't let you chose my groupchat name for nothing your staying w/ us


No i'm not replacing you its just getting coffee with him


Yeah soon enough you're going to move to liyue and leave us :(




Whatever you say Venti we just know how predictable you are ;)


Stop antagonzising him you guys


Ty diluc


Alright take care Venti

Venti checked the time 5:23 alright i have plenty of time he thought. Venti started to drive to litue harbour and check out some more stuff he didn't get to see yesterday. He found a jewlery store called Mingxing jewlery. It was all with stones and crystals native to Liyue. He found something called noctilucous jade. It reminded him of the wind from Mondstadt. He found some earing in a shape of some little cecilia's.

Venti continued to explore to only realize it was 5:57 crap! Thought venti. He ran into his drove to the coffee shop in just 5 minutes. Venti was entered the coffee shop and saw Zhongli immediately. Zhongli waved to Venti to come sit together. "How long have you been waiting?" Venti asked Zhongli. "Ah only two minutes" Venti nodded. They both headed up to the counter to order. Zhongli was the first to order, meanwhile Venti wasn't familliar with shop so he kept looking at the menu.

After they both got their drinks they sat down and talked about anything. "So Zhongli are you situated in liyue harbor or somewhere else in liyue?" Venti asked. "I live in Liyue harbour for the school i work at my students are all very good." Zhongli replies. "Hm, do you have any family?" Venti asks curiously. "I currently have a daughter who runs a Funeral Parlour, her name is Hu Tao and a son who does community work for Liyue" The tall male replies sternly. "What about you do you have any family?" Zhongli asks. "Erm.. i used to have an older brother he- uhm sadly passed away..." Venti says as he looks down. "Ah i'm sorry for you're lost..." Zhongli looks away from Venti. "No its fine i must've been 18 years old when it happened." Venti reasures Zhongli.

The two men say their goodbyes and head home. Venti had a little thought in his head tomeet up with him more often. Meanwhile Zhongli was pondering when was the next time he could visit him.

I'M VERY SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED FOR SO LONG ITS BECAUSE SCHOOL HAS BEEN A PAIN. but now that winter break is here i'll try writting more!

|| Morning calls, late texts || Zhongven modern au ||Where stories live. Discover now