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quick a/n: shorter chapter than usual, and when Evelyn is called Evy, it's not pronounced Evie, more like each letter is lowercase e.g e-v-y. :)

"how did i get that?" Evelyn mumbled her thoughts out loud as she studied herself in the mirror again. After she had assisted with Darwin's training, Charles had sent her off to relax while he discussed something with Hank down in the lab.

Relax? There could be highly trained assassins lurking the halls of this building and its grounds, just waiting for the perfect moment to snatch her up and take her back to Russia, and he wanted her to go and relax?

she hadn't meant to study herself again. but, when she passed the shiny glass that hung tall on the wall of the bedroom, her bedroom, she couldn't help but indulge. she was never allowed to stare into her reflection before. It took up too much time. and besides, the trainers would make her look pretty when it was needed. or when she was needed.

Evelyn had removed her top and joggers, wanting to see what she looked like fully as she stood in the underwear Raven had given her (after assuring her they were new). fingers grazed over her own skin, feeling every bumpy healed scar, stinging every blue bruise that was covered in little purple veins, and dipping into every dent.

Was she pretty? Was she even normal? She had no idea. Evelyn didn't know what girls were supposed to look like underneath their clothes. but, she thought there was something sweet about the dips where her thighs met her hips, and the little pinky coloured lines that decorated the area just above them. The only thing she found annoying was the slightly sore patch between her thighs, where her skin had been rubbing in her fight suit for the past two weeks, damp from where she had slipped into water or tried to wash something off of the fabric. it didn't particularly look bad, just hurt a little when she moved.

she messed with the silver bar that sat in her belly button. her first piercing. It was a tradition amongst the Red Room girls to get piercings as they went up the ranks, since it was when you got more freedom over yourself and your body. Many girls dyed their hair first, and a rarer few decorated their skin with tattoos. Evelyn always thought they looked really pretty, but never got one herself. she could never decide on one. and besides, tattoos were very good for people trying to find you if you go missing, and identifiable markings would've definitely gotten her caught while hiding.

becoming overcome with boredom, she picked her clothes up and put them back on. lifting her head up, she glanced around the room. she wasn't sure why she was so intrigued by the way things looked today. Maybe it was Alex telling her to explore things. she paused her thoughts for a moment, forgetting about the dark wood furniture in her room. What did Alex's face look like? Of course, she knew what he looked like, but what did he look like? did he have any healed scars like she did? Did he have any dips or bumps in his skin? did he have little freckles dotting his arms too?

her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knocking on her door. it wasn't Raven, she knocked softer and with more of a rhythm, it was too quick to be Erik knocking, and no one else had knocked on it before.

Was it one of the dreaded assassins that she thought to be lurking the halls? Without hesitation, Evelyn slipped her hand under the mattress of the bed. The steel handle of a sharp dagger felt a little heavy in her hands, much bigger than the one she had used earlier and accidentally left in the gym. she held it tight, opening the door quickly and raising the weapon...

"woah!" Sean jumped backwards slightly, "I'm safe, I swear!"

Evelyn didn't miss the glint of fear in his grey eyes. that glint of fear she hated. "sorry." was all she could bring herself to reply, pulling the polished blade away from his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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