Chapter Eight

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"Did She Say Grimes?"

    I stand there as the gates to the large community open up to me. The sun immediately shining into my eyes causing me to look away.

   I turn my head back, putting my hand against my forehead to attempt to block any sunlight. Immediately, at least ten people are standing in front of me, and two of them walk towards me. A taller man with a long white beard, and a woman who is much smaller than him with short brown hair and looks old enough to be his mother.

   The woman walks straight up to me and smiles, "How old are you dear?" She asks, not letting her smile fade even if she isn't looking at me but instead behind me, probably watching for biters. "I'm fifteen," I say to the woman. "I was wondering if I could stay here. Just for the night." The woman gives me another smile, "What's your name hun?" She questioned. Confused, I think about what name to use, Lilan or Aurora.

   "Lilan Spark." I tell her looking around at all the other people around me. The woman walks next to me and puts her hand on my back walking me toward the gate.


   The woman told me her name was Deanna Monroe, she runs Alexandria and was also one of the first people here. She had brought me back to where her family lives to interview me 'in case' she said... I'm not sure if I trust her, or any of them. But I couldn't find Carl and I needed somewhere to stay.

   She had asked me some questions about why I needed somewhere to stay and why for just one night. I couldn't tell her the truth, if I did she would probably want me to leave because I'm most likely causing danger to the town. "My father died, I have nowhere else to go." I whispered, it wasn't entirely wrong. My father did die, just not recently. "I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure that was rough on you." The woman says with an apologetic voice.

   "It was, he wasn't a perfect dad but I will still miss him." I look behind her at the camera and give a forced smile. "And what about your mom? What happened to her?" There's an awkward silence, "She died from cancer long before everything happened. I still remember everything about her though." I start to play with the watch on my arm again. It's something I do when I'm talking about her or stressed.

   Once we finish talking she stands up and shakes my hand. "I've already talked to someone about you staying here, he agreed. If I were you I would watch out however, he has a bit of a temper." The woman laughs while leading me to the front door.

    Once she opens it I can see different groups of people wandering around, talking, and enjoying life. Do these people even know what is just right outside those walls? "Lilan" A voice of a person next to me says, causing me to jump. I might have been in a 'safe' place for a few years. But that doesn't mean I had many people to talk to.

    "Lilan, this is Rick Grimes. You'll be staying with him for the night, or however long you would like until we can find you a new place to stay." Deanna gives me a wink annoying me, I'm just here for the night. Instead of saying that however, I nod my head...

    Did she say Grimes?


    I never questioned the man on his name, Deanna had already said that he had a short temper and I wasn't in the mood to make this man yell at me. I'm now, sitting in his living room waiting for the others that live here to talk about my moving in.

   The door opens but I keep my head down, I can't even bother to look up at my new roommates. Besides, first impressions don't matter when I'm only staying here for the night. The small group must have noticed Rick and me sitting in the living area because immediately they stop talking and begin to walk over to us.

    "Lilan?" One of the new voices says, but oddly enough, I know who the voice belongs to. So I was right. Rick Grimes is Carl's dad. I look up and try my hardest not to start laughing at myself. "Suprise!" I laugh, letting out a sarcastic tone. Rick and his other friends look back and forth between me and Carl, confused, Rick opens his mouth and starts to say something. "You two know each other?" I know he's not asking me, but instead Carl. From the few minutes I've known Rick I know that he cares for the group of people around me. I respect him for it. Negan never felt that way about anyone around him. Not even me.

    "We met earlier today when I was looking for Enid." Carl confessed. I'm guessing that he isn't supposed to talk to random people out in the woods. Especially one who was running away from a murderer. "You went out there again Carl? We told you to wait," Rick stands up from his seat. That's the temper Deanna was talking about I guess... 

     "We told you to wait for Michonne to come back from the run and you both can go out looking." Rick's talking voice starts to turn into yelling before he realizes that everyone is looking at him. He calms himself down and turns back towards me. "This is Lilan, she's staying the night here." He says turning back towards Carl, "Can you show her to her room and grab her some things from storage?" Rick says walking past the group and going out the front doors. I'm not sure what happened but it was quite entertaining.

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