Chapter Ten

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"Long story short, I survived."

We had been laying next to each other for the past few minutes, looking up at the ceiling silently. "You should stay, you would fit in Lilan." Carl whispers while turning to look at me. I give a short laugh and start to sit up. "I have to leave Carl, as much as I would like to stay I don't want to put any of you in danger... My dad. He isn't a good guy."

"He was that bad that you're putting yourself in danger to keep us safe? Lilan that isn't a good idea, my father would help you if I asked him to. Please." Carl sighs, I want to stay, I do. But I can't, and I don't know these people. How do I know that I can trust them? I don't, but the least I can do is try to keep them as safe as possible. I mean, they have children. "Carl, if you had lived there you would understand, it was safe, but not in the way you think. Everyone was scared of my dad, he hurt women and men. He wasn't someone that I felt comfortable around, the best thing I can say is, long story short, I survived. And that's all that should matter. Not what is going to happen after I leave tomorrow, that's up to me..."

I turn to the candle on his bedside table and blow it out, ready to go to sleep. "Goodnight Carl."


The next morning when I woke up I found the bed next to me completely empty. He really wanted me to stay, huh? I get up from Carl's bed and sneak out of his room hoping nobody notices. I walk into the spare room and grab my new clothes. I slip my bag over my shoulder and get ready to leave. I should say goodbye to Kingsly. No, I can't get attached to them.

I leave the house and walk toward the gate, The man already knows where I'm going so he opens it up enough for me to fit through and lets me leave. I'm hoping to never see this place again, if I don't, that means that they'll likely be safe from Negan.

I walk down the long road as a man on a bike passes by me and gives me a weird stare. He lives in Alexandria and was one of the people who were there when I had originally seen when I first arrived. Behind him was another man in a truck with a teenage boy that I hadn't seen before. They drive past me without stopping and I start to walk into the woods. 




A/n: Another short chapter but I wasn't sure what to write. Very interesting part in the next chapter so get ready;) Also, I'm on my computer writing this so there are some things different in this chapter! but I'll probably fix it later. ALSO!!! HAPPY TEN CHAPTERS! I'VE NEVER GOTTEN THIS FAR WITH A BOOK BEFORE SO I'M VERY HAPPY FOR MYSELF!

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