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Ranboo pulled down his mask. He took a small bite of the rat. He hated them but he had to eat something. Being a vampire was hard.

"VAMPIRE!" Ranboo's head whipped to his left.

Tubbo and Tommy were staring back at him. Those boys he was 'babysitting' were such a hassle.

Ranboo stood up.

Tommy backed up, Tubbo staying and looking up at the towering man over him.

¤ Ranboo's POV ¤

Seriously? Did they follow me here?

"Look, kid. You have nothing to be afraid of, I don't eat humans. I won't hurt you." I said.

Tubbo just looked up at me, his normal glow came back in his eyes.

"Vampires are hot. AND WE'RE THE SAME AGE!" Shouted Tubbo, his voice cracking.

My face heated up.

"T-thanks...? And I'm sorry." I stuttered. This little guy was quite bold.

"It's alright big man." He looked a bit embarrassed by his voice crack.

"So... Uh- Yeah. I'm a vampire...? I've never had anyone find out before. Thought you were gonna kill me to be honest." I chuckled nervously.

"You're cute. Wanna go out sometime?" Asked Tubbo.

WHAT?! I couldn't breathe. We literally just met today. This was insane.


"TUBBO! Stay back from him." Hissed Tommy as he pulled Tubbo back towards him.

¤ Athour's POV ¤

Ranboo wiped his bloodstained lips and put his fangs away. He looked away from the two smaller boys, a small hint of guilt in his eyes.

"He said he dosen't eat people, Tom!" Said Tubbo with a huff.

"And he's cute! I need a new friend or boyfriend! Come on, can we keep him, Tommy?" Asked Tubbo with pleading eyes.

"Keep me?" Ranboo asked, confused.

"Fine. But I'm keeping an eye on you, vampire."Said Tommy as he let go of Tubbo, making him fall.

Ranboo ran to Tubbo and caught him before he hit the ground. He was faster since he was a vampire.

Tubbo stood up, still holding onto Ranboo's sleeves.

"Thanks, big guy." Said Tubbo before he kissed Ranboo on the cheek.

Ranboo's face heated up. He practically malfunctioned.

Tubbo giggled before letting go of Ranboo's sleeves. Ranboo stumbled back but caught himself.

Tommy didn't look as happy as Tubbo. He snarled.

Tubbo put his arm around Ranboo and Tommy's, then walking down the street towards Tubbo's house.

"Ooo! I've got a good idea! How about we do a sleepover?" Asked Tubbo happily.

Tommy didn't seem to fond of the idea. He groaned.

"I could." Ranboo said with a small smile.

"Oh, big man Tommy, you have to protect me from the scary vampire at my sleepover!" Said Tubbo dramatically.

Tommy huffed and took his arm away from Tubbo's, looking away from the others.

Tubbo frowned.

"Tommy.." Tubbo said, trying to reach out to Tommy.

Tubbo then saw Tommy's neck was red like he had been strangled by someone. Tubbo's eyes widened. He reached towards Tommy's neck as he stopped walking.

Tommy smacked Tubbo's hand away and rubbed his neck.

"I'm going home." Said Tommy before he ran off towards his house.

Tubbo looked extremely worried.

"Was it just me, or was his neck a little red?" Asked Ranboo with concern.

"He's gotten bullied alot, but nothing like that." Said Tubbo with pure concern.

"It's okay. Now that you have a big bad vampire friend, I'll protect you and Tommy!" Said Ranboo, trying to lighten the mood.

Tubbo forced a smile and chuckled, looking up at Ranboo. Ranboo looked around. He gripped Tubbo's arm tighter.

Ranboo suddenly heard the voice again.

They see you. They'll destroy everything you care about.

Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hand and started walking faster to Tubbo's house. He saw red eyes peeking from bushes and behind trees everywhere he looked.

"Woah! Everything okay?" Asked Tubbo as he tried to not just get dragged by Ranboo.

"We need to get to your house right now. I know alot you don't." Whispered Ranboo.

Ranboo opened the door to Tubbo's house and pulled Tubbo inside. He shut the door quickly as he started to see them.

Ranboo shook his head. He locked the door.

They're going to hurt Tommy. They already did.

"Tommy needs to watch out. He must already be involed with them." Ranboo said to himself.

"WHO'S THEM?! IS MY BEST FRIEND OKAY?!" Yelled Tubbo, his voice cracking again.

Ranboo sighed in relief as the voices stopped.

"For now." Said Ranboo.

Tubbo let out a shaky breath.

"W-what do you mean 'for now'?" Asked Tubbo.

Ranboo turned around and looked at Tubbo.

"That's something you can't know, or you'll be involved aswell. This is why I don't get friends. They take everything I care about." Growled Ranboo as he put a hand on his head.

Ranboo was starting to get dizzy. He only had one bite of that rat.

"Damn it..."

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( 813 words )

This is HIGHLY based on 'My Babysister's A Vampire' :]

¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now