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Ranboo awoke in the middle of the night. He was on Tubbo's floor, next to his bed.

Ranboo looked up to see Tubbo was reading a book. Tubbo looked over at Ranboo and smiled.

"Can't sleep?" Asked Tubbo as he put his bookmark in his book and shut it.

Ranboo nodded.

"Me either. I never really can, I'm always stressed about something. I don't even know what it is." Said Tubbo.

"I've had that. Do you get voices in your head? Telling you the worst possibilities?" Asked Ranboo.

Tubbo's eyes seemed to get warmer with understanding.

"Yeah, sometimes." Said Tubbo.

Tubbo patted the beding beside him.

"Come up here! Let's play minecraft." Said Tubbo with a bright smile.

Ranboo's face flushed a light pink. He then stood up and sat beside Tubbo on his bed.

Tubbo pulled out a laptop from under his bed. He handed it to Ranboo.

"I'll just play on my laptop, Tubbo." Said Ranboo as he grabbed his backpack and pulled out a black laptop that had a bunch of stickers on it.

"Your laptop is so cool! I love the stickers! Wish mine had stickers!" Complimented Tubbo.

Ranboo smiled brightly.

"I have alot of different stickers. This is only a 3rd of them. I can give you some." Said Ranboo.

"No, I'm okay." Said Tubbo.

Ranboo shook his head.

"No, really, just tell me some of your favorite things!" Said Ranboo.

Tubbo sighed.

"Fine. I love bees, cottage core and yellow. I also love flowers, especially purple ones, like that one." Said Tubbo as he pointed to a fluffy purple flower sticker on Ranboo's laptop.

"That one's my favorite." Said Ranboo and Tubbo in unison.

The two fell into a soft fit of laughter.

"I can give you those tomorrow." Said Ranboo.

Tubbo smiled.

"Alright, big man! Time to play some minecraft!" Said Tubbo.

Ranboo smiled and opened his laptop.

The two boys played minecraft all night, just messing around and trolling each other. It was all laughs until Tubbo made eye contact with Ranboo.

The two seemed stuck for a moment. Tubbo looked deeper into Ranboo's eyes, leaning forward a bit.

Ranboo's eyes widened a bit. He was surprised the voices weren't talking to him. They seemed to not want to tell him anything bad about Tubbo. Maybe they didn't have anything bad to say about the boy. Maybe he was perfect.

Tubbo found his hand traveling to the back of Ranboo's head without his control. He noticed and pulled it away, breaking their eye contact.

Ranboo looked away aswell, clearing his throat.

"So- Uh- About that bee dome-" Said Ranboo before he was cut off by Tubbo kissing his cheek.

Ranboo's face flushed red. He looked at Tubbo with surprise.

"You're cute, Ranboo. I think you'll be a great vampire friend." Said Tubbo as his face flushed a light pink.

Ranboo smiled.

"You're very bold, Tubbo." Said Ranboo.

"I am. I'd probably kiss you right now if you asked me." Said Tubbo with a smirk.

Ranboo blushed uncontrollably.

"No you wouldn't." Said Ranboo in disbelief.

"Oh, but I would, big man." Said Tubbo as he put a hand on Ranboo's left cheek.

"Oh, would you now?" Asked Ranboo as he leaned a bit forward.

Tubbo leaned forward aswell.

"Why don't you find out yourself?" Asked Tubbo before he leaned forward more, closing his eyes.

Tubbo's phone rang right before their lips touched.

Tubbo pulled back and answered his phone.

"SOMETHING HAPPENED- IT WAS THAT FUCKING VAMPIRE!" Yelled Tommy's voice on the other side of the phone.

Tubbo's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" Asked Tubbo.


Tubbo turned to Ranboo.

Ranboo's eyes widened.

"I promise I didn't do anything. But I know how I can help." Said Ranboo.

Tubbo sighed.

"It wasn't Ranboo, Tommy. Just stay calm, we're on our way."

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( 650 words )

¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now