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Tubbo and Ranboo stood in front of Tommy's house.

Tubbo couldn't see anything, yet Ranboo could see everything. There were vampires swarming Tommy's house.

Clayton Block, one of the most strong and powerful vampires, had Tommy pinned to his front door.

"Is that Clay? He's not a vampire." Laughed Tubbo.

Tubbo started walking to Tommy. He was pulled back by Ranboo.

"Clay is a vampire. One of the most strong and powerful vampires." Said Ranboo as his eyes showed fear.

Clay turned his head and saw Ranboo. He grinned.

Clay was suddenly in front of Ranboo.

"Ah, hello there, half pint. Still refuse to drink a human? It's fun~" Teased Clay.

Ranboo didn't respond. He was in a state of shock.

Tommy rushed towards Tubbo.

"TUBBO!" Shouted Tommy.

Tommy was thrown back as Clay put a hand on his chest gently.

Clay stood in front of Tubbo.

"You're Tommy's little friend, aren't you?" Asked Clay.

Tubbo nodded with a gulp.

"What would you say if I told you that your whole life could change in a second, just for a little neck pain?" Asked Clay.

"I'd s-say-" Tubbo was cut off by Ranboo stepping in front of him.

"Don't manipulate him, Clay." Said Ranboo.

Clay wheezed.

"You think you can stop me?" Asked Clay as he stepped closer to Ranboo.

Clay grabbed Tubbo's arm. Clay suddenly yelled out in pain. He let go of Tubbo's arm and looked down at his hand. There was a huge burn covering Clay's hand.


Tubbo looked at his arm.

George Davidson, another one of the most powerful vampires and Clay's best friend, ran to Clay.

"CLAY!" Shouted George.

Clay's hand turned black.

George's eyes filled with tears.

"No. Clay, please.." Said George in almost a whisper.

George sat with Clay on the sidewalk.

"George, don't make the same mistakes I did, okay?" Asked Clay.

George shook his head.

"We can fix this.. You just need to kill Tubbo.. Clay..." Said George as he hugged Clay.

Ranboo's eyes widened as Tubbo stepped towards Clay. He kneeled near Clay.

¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now