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Tommy was now sleeping, laying his head on Tubbo's shoulder. Tubbo and Ranboo had switched to watching The Office after Tommy fell asleep, and now they had been watching it for about an hour.

Ranboo glanced at Tubbo. Tubbo was smiling at the TV as he watched it. Ranboo smiled lightly. He felt comfortable, but in the back of his mind, he knew that a new problem would arise soon.

Ranboo had to savor these moments of calm before that happened. He turned his attention back to the screen and scooted a bit closer to his friends. The front door opened suddenly, making Ranboo and Tubbo look back.

It was Ms. Smith. She smiled at them. "Did you kids have fun?" She asked. Tubbo paused for a moment, thinking of the things that had happened that day. "Yeah... Yeah, we had fun." Tubbo said. Ranboo nodded.

Ms. Smith then asked if they had eaten dinner. Ranboo replied, "No, uh, we haven't yet." Ms. Smith shrugged. "I can order some pizza." Ms. Smith said.

Tommy immediately awoke. "Did I hear pizza?" He asked. They all fell into a fit of laughter. Ranboo stopped and listened to their laughs for just a moment. This felt nice. It felt like home.

Ranboo felt a weight being lifted off of his shoulders. Like some form of stress had left him, some fear of abandonment. Maybe he did have a place here. Maybe, just maybe, he had found peace here.

The laughter eventually ended, and Ms. Smith went into the other room to order the pizza. Ranboo sighed in relief and rested his head against the back of the couch. Tubbo laid his head on Ranboo's shoulder. Tommy scoffed. "I'm still here, guys." He joked.


¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now