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Ranboo woke up to the sound of his alarm.

"Ugh.. I hate having to wake up on weekends..." Groaned Ranboo before he slammed a hand on his alarm clock.

Ranboo felt alone, just like he did in middle school. No one was there for him when he was at his worst.

Ranboo got up. He decided to make a good outfit today.

Ranboo grabbed a white collared shirt and a red tie. He then put them on with some ripped jeans and a chain with mushrooms on it for his pants.

Ranboo was about to leave his room when he looked in his mirror. He sighed and grabbed his mask and glasses.

Ranboo had to watch Tommy and Tubbo today, how embarrassing. He grabbed his backpack before walking out the door.

Ranboo put on his mask and glasses before anyone saw his red eyes or fangs, he was so anxious that they showed.

Ranboo then walked down to Tubbo's house. He felt like someone was watching him. He kept turning around, but all he saw was his own shadow staring back at him.

Ranboo knocked on Tubbo's door and looked away from it so he didn't have to meet Tubbo's eyes.

No response.

Ranboo looked back at the door and knocked again.

No response.

Ranboo started to get worried. He looked through the window. All he saw was Tubbo's cat, Rocky.

Ranboo pulled out his phone swiftly and texted Tubbo.

- Texts -

Where are you? : You

Tubbo? : You

Tubbo, this is petty. : You

I'm sorry, but you're worrying me. : You


Ranboo was extremely worried. Tubbo always answered his texts.

Ranboo decided to call Tubbo's mom, who was at work.

- Call -

Hey, do you know where Tubbo is?

Is he not at home?

No. I tried texting him, but he didn't answer.

He's probably goofing off with Tommy. There's a fake rock in one of the bushes, it has a spare key in it.

Okay. I'll go check out the house.

I have to get back to work, good luck, honey.


Ranboo then hung up the call. He looked in the bushes and found a plastic rock. He looked on the bottom and opened a small trap door thing. He found a key and took it out, putting the rock back.

Ranboo used the key to unlock the door. He went inside and searched the house.

Ranboo got more concerned when he found no one in the house. He rushed out of the door.

Ranboo had to find them. He had to. He called Jack Manifold, one of Tommy and Tubbo's friends.


Do you know where Tommy and Tubbo are?

Nope, I have nothing to do with their crazy lives.

Jack then hung up on Ranboo. Ranboo scoffed.

"What a bitch." Said Ranboo before he got a thought.


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( 472 words )

¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now