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Tubbo was surprised when he saw Ranboo smile with relief. "He's gonna be okay." Ranboo said with a gentle voice. Tubbo collapsed to his knees. He hugged Ranboo tightly.

"Thank you, Ranboo." Tubbo mumbled. Ranboo smiled. "That's what friends are for, idiot..." Ranboo said. The two pulled away from each other as they noticed Tommy start waking up.

Tommy groaned, opening his mouth wipe. Small points showed from his canine teeth. Tommy opened his eyes. His eyes were now tinted slightly with a ruby color.

Tommy let out a fast, high-pitched scream. "Fuck, I bit my tongue." He mumbled. Tubbo and Ranboo were silent. "You should've mentioned HE'S A FUCKING VAMPIRE!" Yelled Tubbo as he turned back to Ranboo.

Ranboo put his hands up. "I said he was going to be okay! I didn't say there wouldn't be changes!" Ranboo said. Tommy's eyes widened. "I'M A VAMPIRE?" He yelled.

"YES!" Tubbo and Ranboo yelled in unison. They continued yelling at each other while Tommy silently stared down Tubbo's neck.

Tommy reached his hand forward and grasped it gently. Tubbo turned with surprise. "What the actually fuck, Tom?" Tubbo said. Ranboo swatted Tommy's hand away.

Ranboo sighed. "I have some spare rat blood I can give him." Ranboo said. Tommy winced at the word "rat." Ranboo shrugged.

Tubbo nodded. Ranboo stood and held the door handle. "I'll be right back." Ranboo said before he left. Tubbo looked back at Tommy and sighed. "I'm surrounded by vampires." Said Tubbo as he face-palmed.


Ranboo opened the door again to find that Tommy and Tubbo weren't waiting for him where he had left them. He went to the living room and saw them sat on the couch. "Hey, I'm back." Ranboo said, holding up a small bag of blood. Tommy turned his head, and immediately, his pupils dilated even more. Tommy stood and walked toward Ranboo with want in his eyes.

Ranboo stepped back a bit. "You're gonna have to learn to control yourself." He said as he handed Tommy the bag. Tommy opened the nozel on it and took a sip. His eyes turned normal again as if he wasn't a vampire. Tubbo stood up and ran over to Ranboo. Tubbo smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much." Tubbo said.

Ranboo's cheeks became red. He hugged Tubbo back. Tubbo smiled and giggled a bit. He lifted his head from Ranboo's chest and looked at him. He backed away just a bit. He turned and looked at Tommy, who had now made his way over to the couch again and wasn't looking their way. Tubbo turned back to Ranboo and stood on his toes.

Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's neck and forced him to bend down. Tubbo leaned in closer to Ranboo. Ranboo's cheeks became redder. "I'm sorry for what I said, I do want to keep you." Said Tubbo before he connected his and Ranboo's lips quickly.

Ranboo's eyes widened. Tubbo disconnected his lips and ran back over to Tommy. Ranboo's legs felt like jelly. His head was fuzzy, and he felt butterflies in his stomach. Was this really happening?

Tubbo looked over at Ranboo after a few moments and waved him over.


¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now