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Ranboo rushed to George's house. He banged on the door.

No answer.

Ranboo kept banging until he finally got desperate. He ran to the back of the house and opened the back door.

Ranboo snuck into the house. He heard painful screams from in the other room. He heard Tommy's muffled yells.

Ranboo ran into the room the noises were coming from. Tubbo was pinned against the wall by George. George had a knife at Tubbo's neck.

Ranboo smelled blood. His pupils dilated. Then he realized. Someone had to be bleeding. He looked closer at Tommy and saw two small fang marks on his neck, blood pouring from them slowly.

Ranboo swiftly ran towards Tubbo to only be grabbed by Nick and thrown to the ground.

In the corner, Tommy was sitting in a chair, yelling muffled curses from behind a shirt in his mouth.

Ranboo growled as Nick put a hand around his neck. He tightened his grip. Ranboo grabbed onto Nick's hand. He was already struggling to breathe.

Ranboo looked down. His knee was just below Nick's crotch. He pushed his knee up fast, slamming it into Nick's crotch.

Nick yelled in pain. As Nick's grip got weaker, Ranboo flipped Nick over and slammed him into the ground.

Nick hissed.

"You would make a good partner in bed~" Teased Nick, trying to distract Ranboo.

Ranboo punched Nick in the face, knocking him out.

"Sorry man, I guess you're just not my type." Said Ranboo as he stood up.

Ranboo saw George about to bite Tubbo's neck out of the corner of his eye. He flipped around and pushed George off of Tubbo.

Ranboo grabbed Tubbo and pushed him behind him.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THEM!" Shouted Ranboo as his fangs popped out.

Ranboo ripped off his mask, his glasses clanging on the floor. He noticed that Tommy had passed out.


"Why shouldn't I?" Asked George with a grin.


Suddenly Ranboo saw that Tubbo had snuck behind George. He was about to leap forward and grab Tubbo, but Tubbo ripped George's knife from his hand and turned it around, holding the blade.

Tubbo slammed the handle of the knife into George's face, sending him to the ground. Blood dripped from George's mouth.

"Don't fucking mess with us." Snarled Ranboo before he grabbed Tubbo's hand and ran to Tommy, who had just woken up.

Ranboo untied Tommy. He picked him up and then started running out of the house with Tubbo.

Ranboo panted as they ran down the road toward Tubbo's house. Ranboo opened the door to Tubbo's house, pulling Tubbo inside and slamming the door.

Ranboo set Tommy down and checked his pulse to see if he was turned yet. Ranboo still felt a pulse. He bent down, his fangs returning, and connected with the bite wounds in Tommy's neck.

Tubbo was a bit confused about what Ranboo was doing, but he didn't question it, maybe he was helping.

After a few seconds, Ranboo disconnected his fangs from Tommy's neck and remained silent. "Is he gonna be okay?" Asked Tubbo nervously.

Ranboo looked up at Tubbo. Tubbo was surprised when he saw-

-To be continued...


GOT YOUUUU. Also, sorry for not posting. I was working on this other book that was really important to me, but I'm back now :]

¤ Vampire! ¤ ( Benchtrio & Beeduo & Clingyduo ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now