83.~ It's an End......!!

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Hey Loveliess!!!!

Sorry but not Sorry for the late! *Grinning mischievously* 

👆 The song matching the emotions.....

Happy Reading ❤️


~~After 4 days~~

Author's POV

Loud music, sweaty teenagers, ambient lights onn, red strips lights onn on the bar counters, disgusting smells of all over liquor mixed in the air, gives a feel of distress and overripe smells.

"Bro!!! Bro, here." A boy in early twenties yelled inbetween the loud, ear-screeching music and waved at someone

"Where's he??" Someone asked in anger to the boy as he gulp and pointed towards the direction of the bar counter

They both walk towards that side as the boy sighed in tiredness. "Pal! Hey, Bro. Rohan. Rohan, look at me." Abhi hiss, jerking Rohan's shoulder, who's all waste in the alcohols

"Rohan, Are you listening??" Rohan blinked his eyes and look at Abhi then jerk his hands away and grabbed another one, full bottle of liquor

He gulp down the half bottle when Abhi snatch it away and glare him. "Enough, Bro. What are you doing?? I know you're upset and hurt but it's not the right way to vent it." He barked in anger at Rohan

"Hey, Give that to me." Rohan tried to grab the bottle but Anuj put it away

"Rohan, let's go! It's late. DI, is so concerned for you. Com'on." Àbhi pulled him up as Anuj helped him

"I don't want to go, leave me." Rohan slurred and pushed Abhi away but due to it he himself stumbled back and fall

Abhi gritt his teeth seeing him like as his face twitch with the thought, He's totally wasted.

"Enough. Let's go. Com'on." Abhi and Anuj pulled him up as they both walk of of the pub and sighed

"I'm not going anywhere. Leave me, I don't talk with anyone. I'll stay here." He seat down on the road as Abhi and Anuj groan

"Rohan Sinha. Stop all this nonsense and you're going with US." Abhi spatt making him stand up

"Bro, why do you drink so much, when you can't handle it. You've low immune to handle it and you gulp down more than two bottles." Anuj scolded him irritatedly

Rohan pout and make a cry face as he literally started to cry but there's no tears in his eyes. Abhi and Anuj snort at him. "Ro, I'm not your wife or girl-friend to see your tantrums. Get up, Okay!" Abhi scowl loudly

"Girl-friend. Oh, yes! Yes! Bring her, I'll go with my Sweetheart." Rohan look up and smile as Anuj slapped his forehead

"Rohan, get up or else I'll go leaving you here." Abhi barked as Rohan sniffed

"Then GO. GO AWAY!!" He roared and sniffed. "Everyone go. Everyone is leaving me." he added in painful voice

"First, I-Ishana went away, then.. then my best-friend went away leaving me alone. they never cared about me. i know, it's my fault but still what I said Sorry to him so many times but he..." he paused and hiccuped

"He.... he never forgived me. I said Sorry, I said. But they didn't listened me." He blinked and look at Anuj and gasp

"You're looking familiar. Did we meet eachother before??" Anuj sighed and shake his head, he doesn't understand what he should say or do, he feels so sad seeing him, right now!

FOREVER : 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼Where stories live. Discover now