Chapter 22

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Hey Lovelies !!❤❤

Guyz! I think you all're not confused in Abhi's pov as it's from present i forget to mention it

Happy Reading 😄


Ishana's POV

"Buddy ! Buddy ! Open your eyes for god sake!" I said shooking buddy's body but gretted with silence only

"Please! Don't play this Idiotic trick on me for god sake.... I just hate it Buddy!" I said angrily

"Buddy.... Please get up you know na Bhai is coming don't leave Bhai like this..... Don't leave me like this Please ! You know how much he loves you! Right ?" I said and cried hard

"Buddy they're coming see.... We have to leave this place please get up!" I said and patted buddy's shoulder

Buddy jerked a lill and take a deep breath "Kish-mish! Ju-st go a-way!" Buddy sttudered I shook my head and a sob escaped my mouth

I put my both palm on my mouth to control my sobs and heavy breathing

Why god ??? Why with US ???

"Buddy! I promise I won't behave like a stub-born I won't play any pranks on anyone.... Buddy, Bhai is coming Please! We just have to leave this place....Rest we'll be fine" I said and forced buddy to get up

"Just lea-ve this p-lace Rig-ht now Isha-na...." Buddy said stubbornly

Aarrgghhh !!!! "Buddy... Look we have so many thing to do in our list So please leave this stubborness for god sake.... And who'll save me from Bhai's anger we both never shares that cute-mute bond I LOVE YOU BUDDY ! I CAN'T LEAVE WITHOUT YOU... !!! Look they're coming so please let's go Haan !" I said and forced buddy to stand up and seekingly I helped buddy upto the passenger seat of the car

I took the driver seat and started the car tears are flowing from my eyes continueously..... I don't know what I'm doing ??? Where I'm going ???? I don't have any mobile with me to contact anyone.... I just know that I have to protect Buddy anyhow

"Don't close your eyes Buddy.... Please for me Please! I already loose manythings I just don't want to loose you... there are so many things which I have to tell you so please ok! Just be okay! We reach upto highway" I said looking at the road and then looked at Buddy who's breathing heavily and blood is ozzing from his arm due to cut and from side stomach cause of bullet

"I swear Buddy I swear on you.... I'll give them their worst death...They'll pray to god for their death but they won't get it never,ever and ever... Just you get well soon first then they'll pay for it" I said grittedly

"NO.... ! You w-on't do any-thing like th-at.... Pro-mise m-e !" Buddy said and take a sharp breath A loud sob escaped my mouth tears are blurring my vision I just swipe my tears harshly from my face and squeezed my eyes to get rid off those stubborn tears

"P- Pro-mise me Isha-na!" Buddy said forwarding shaky hands to my way which is cover with blood I viguoresly shook my head and said "No.. never"

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