Chapter 29

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Rohan's POV

"Oye! Rohan. Idiot!" Abhi yelled for the fourth time on a call

"What ?" I askd irritatedly

"Please na! Come with US" I heard Paras's voice

"No I don't want to go her place" I said stubbornly

"Fine! Then don't come but listen one thing I'm also not going to share any notes with you... mind it!" Abhi said stubbornly

"Me too!" Paras added

"And whatever I say you back then it's obviously correct!" Abhi said

"Huh! But.... hey!" Before I could say furthur the line get Beep.... beep... then cut

Ugh! He canceled the call !!!

I too need notes but I don't want to go there at her house....

As she all day fully ignored me at College but she can talk with strangers


*Next Morning*

"Oh my god! 2 lectures back to back.... it feels like one eternity" Akshu groaned as we're walking out of the class room

"Seriously one lecture for one hour in school we only have to face a teacher for only 40 minutes but now it's for 60 minutes" Paras added as I chuckled


We heard a voice as everyone jerked back including me and after that I heard two laughing voice

"Ishana! Sarika!" Vish glared them as they are busy in laughing

"God! You all.... look at your face it's paled" Sary said and laughed hard

"What was that for?" Akshu asked glaring them

"Nothing just for fun!" Mental said

"It's Ishu's plan to scare you all I thought it'll got floped in this time but god you all scared kitten!" Sary said and laughed as they both hi-fi

"Com'on Sary she's already a Mental now please you don't join her in all this crazy things" I retroted

"Rohan!" I heard Abhi's voice as I give him a raised brows look saying 'what?' as he signed me to look at her

As I saw she's glaring me as I care Huh! "Then I should proud of myself that I'm not like YOU" She said emphasing the word 'you' and atlast passed me a tight lipped smile

Before I could say she looked at others and said "I want to tell you all a great news" Their is a excitement in her voice which sealed my mouth for spatting anything furthur

"What is it? You're going to get married?" Abhi asked

"Hahaahaa! Don't crack lousy jokes like you, Rathore!" She said mockingly as a chuckle left from my mouth

"It's about FD!" Sary said

"Then we're not interested to hear it out!" Yuvi teased her as she pass a sad pout and glare him

"Fine! Don't listen still I'm saying it!" She said glaring him

"If we won't listen to you then to whom you're going to share it?" Paras said to tease her more as she stomped her leg in annoyance

"Vish say him to shut his mouth!" She said to Vish who just grinned

"Why? I'll say god gives me mouth to speak and eat!" Paras said showing attitude

FOREVER : 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼Where stories live. Discover now