102.~ Rohan's Apology

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A thin layer of sunlight make an appearance in the room, peaking behind the curtains

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A thin layer of sunlight make an appearance in the room, peaking behind the curtains

I blinked my eyes to adjust it around the room. A smile appear on my face when the first thing came infront of my eyes is HER face

A smile as bright as the Sun. Such a beautiful smile that it can make anyone's whole day beautiful

Hayee! I Love Her.

My Sweetheart!

Suddenly, my smile dropped when I noticed the person beside her in the picture, hanging on the wall

"Such an eyesore." I muttered looking at that Chaprasi's smiling face just beside her

This whole room has only four photo frames. Three on the wall and one on the nightstand

Out of four, one is Yug's picture with his Dadu, Sanjay Dadu. Second one, with his parents, as his mother is there in the picture with him and a elderly looking man, but she's also in that picture, and rest two are have both of them in the picture

This one, Ishana wrapped her one arm around his neck and pulled him lower as he's way too tall for her, and he's holding her ear

Both of them, smiling at the camera but which is eye-catching after her smile is, the life jacket she's wearing and in background a half view of river

I can bet, the picture was clicked before they went for river rafting and it's in Rishikesh

Though, I too went for river rafting in Rishikesh with my group of boys, but I still felt the burning jealousy inside me, seeing them together

I sighed and went to freshen up. I didn't changed the clothes just wearing my watch, I left the room, it's already 7:00, and I'm not feeling sleepy

I closed the door beside me and walk in corridor. The whole house is silent cause of last night, everyone slept late so no-one is awake.

Shit! I forgot my phone, inside. I turned around to go to the room but stopped when I felt something or someone collide with my legs

I fastly steeped back feeling startled. I look down to see, Kshitij rubbing his forehead with a frown face and pouty lips

He look up at me with frown eyes as I saw him, huffing at me. "Laal Tamatar, I fa-ul (fall) fol (for) you."

I chuckled on that, I know he meant, he fall cause of me, but still he's a kid afterall.

I noticed his appearance, he look clean and fresh, nothing like what a 'just-waken-up' toddler looks like

He's wearing a black and chocolate brown, hoodie and sweatpants the hood of his hoodie had two ears, just like a bear's ears

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