Chapter 69

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Hey Loveliess!

Happy Reading 🤣


After a Month.....

Sinha Mansion.

Rohan walk down the stairs after making some notes and studying which is boring but there's no way to go.

If he didn't pass the last year with better marks to continue his MBA, then his father will make him dip on the hot colourful dye and after quenching him he'll hang him on the ropes like some bloody, shitty clothes.

Sighing, he came downstairs to have some water and food as he feel hungry, as he saw his sister working in the kitchen he frown at her.

"Diii!!! What are you doing here?" Rohan question peeking on the kitchen slab to see vegetables are cutted into small pieces and there are some soaked rice and other ingredients

"I'm going to cook, tonight." Arshi said taking out some utensils

"What? Why where's the other workers?" Rohan asked 

"I said them to leave. They were looking tired." Arshi said

Rohan rolled his eyes before saying "Why you're so softy, Di?? Atleast, there one helper should stay back to help you. You think too much of others'." Rohan sighed as Arshi's hands froze in between.

"You're beautiful, smart and talented, Arshi. I know, I know. I--- I adore you too. But as my life partner, I want someone special, someone unique. You know my life is not so simple the way it looks like from outside. It's totally fucked up!"

Arshi knows where his words going towards still she gathered her all confidence and speak up, trying it for the last time..... That's what her heart is chanting, repeadetly.

"I want someone who's as strong as me, she don't need to become physically strong but she need to strong mentally. I don't her to trust someone blindly in just one meet." Saying he look at Arshi who's looking downwards

He stepped forward with sad eyes and closed it for minute and continued "She need to love my family, my sister like her own and I'll promise her that I'll do the same to her family." Arshi look up to face his back

"She need to..... be so much strong that she can rule alone, without me. The girl whom no-one can shook her from her grounds of decisions. She can decide everything and anything reminding each and every perspectives. Who have a strong heart in this cruel world. She'll be my wife, My better-half, My companion, My Queen." He turned to face her

"You know.... I never opened up my heart fully in front of anyone. I have feelings for you. I like you, alot. I can understand you've some expectations from your life partner. But.... Ca-- Can we try? Don't you..." She still let out a chuckle, with those light brown, misty eyes

He sighed, "Stop crying. I hate tears in you--" He stopped and cleared his throat and spoke up again "in any girls eyes and it's cause of me.... I'm feeling guilty."

Arshi casted her eyes down looking at the black pitch road on the road of Mumbai. She decided up to confess her feelings to him, she's going to confess it earlier but he left suddenly without saying him anything

After waiting for whole 1 and half  months, she met him again. He apologize for his sudeen disappearance as he said, he left cause His family needed him. In this period she learnt that her feelings for him are not of any crush, it's beyond it. Usually, she used shove it away saying 'It's attraction.'

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