125. ~ Checkmate

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Hey Lovelieess

Happy Reading 😊


She never cared for the CROWN,

She preferred the SWORD.

~ Author 

I tried to move but I couldn't as a frown etched my face

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I tried to move but I couldn't as a frown etched my face. What's happening??

I'm feeling really sleepy, my head is heavy slightly. I sighed and forced open my eyes.

A soft gasp left me instantly. What- what he is doing in my room? No, wait. Last night.... with that the last came flooded to my brain.

I sighed a relief breath and stared at him. Our faces few inches away from eachother as he sighed and settled his head upward on his pillow

I heaved a long breath which felt like I was holding, when his face move away from mine.

I stared around the room, there's only thin layer of light, outside. I settled my gaze back to the person, sleeping beside me

I stared at the pillow border of - three pillows between US. I smile at the border, cause despite the border, his right arm, over my head in my pillow and another one crossed the border, holding my hand already

I stared up at his face and sighed again. He's looking so peaceful in his sleep.

"I'm Sorry, Rohan." I stared at his side profile. I raised my hand to caressed his face but stopped in mid

What if he wakes up?

It'll be more embarrassing. First, we both already sleeping here, in the same bed.

How I'll face him later? Ughhh, Ishana, you stupid!

You didn't thought about this, before hugging and kissing him last night?, My subconsciousness mind chimed in

I pout and stared at him. But a smile crept on my face as I reminsces last night moments.

We literally have a decent conversation for the very first time. We shared so many things, even if I didn't shared much but still.

I stared at his calm and serene face. He has his eyes closed, hiding those chocolate brown orbs, his not-long yet thick eyelashes casting down a shadow on his cheekbone and under eye, a perfect long nose, messy hairs and slight beard, which he trimmed recently

My eyes finally settled on his lips and stayed there. His deep red lips. His upper lip is a heart shape and a little fuller but less than the lower one.

His lips are looking like a sweet dish infront of me.

Sinfully and criminally hot!

I gulp hard and clench my legs tightly. Ughh, fuck! Did I just felt wet for him.

FOREVER : 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼Where stories live. Discover now