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aaliyah's pov

i sat outside with my knees to my chest when i heard someone about my name from behind me.

"you're brother is looking for you." a strange man spoke from behind me.

"who the hell are you?" i asked with a glare.

"his intern, dr. larry." he replied shortly.

"well, go tell my brother that i'm not coming." i spoke as i turned away from him.

all of a sudden i felt a pair of hands grab my arms and drag me off the seat.

"what the fuck! let go!" i yelled as i began to struggle.

"he said he needs to talk to you and unlike most people i'm going to listen." larry spoke as he continued to drag me.

"hey! what's going on out here?" i heard a familiar voice ask as foot steps walked forward.

"dr. hood said he needed to see h- "he probably didn't mean drag her across the damn hospital." luke spoke as he removed larry's hands from me.

"i can handle it from here." luke smiled before shooing larry off.

"thank you." i muttered.

"wow, not even a hug? it's been years mini hood." luke laughed.

"it's aaliyah and i missed you too." i smiled softly as i hugged him tightly.

"so, you're brother does want to talk to you." luke spoke awkwardly.

"no. can you just take me home?" i begged.

"and deal with the wrath of your brother. no thank you." he chuckled before dragging me to calum's office.

fuck him.

i entered the office and saw calum, ashton, and michael all sitting there waiting.

i glared at them before sitting down in a huff.

"so, i'm sure you know why you are here." calum started.

"yeah, i do. because you guys listened to mom and dad and now think i have anorexia. right? well newsflash, i don't." i replied firmly.

"no, i'm going to give you a physical." calum smiled.

i felt myself drastically pale.

"no." i spoke as i quickly tried to regain my composure.

"i wasn't asking." calum replied.

"well, i'm not doing it so, i don't know what to tell you dear brother." i laughed sarcastically.

calum just gave me a smile.

i sat there staring at all four of the boys around me.

"i want to go home. can you book me a flight back home?" i asked suddenly.

"no." calum replied simply.

"you want to leave us already?" ashton asked.

"yeah. you fucking sold me out." i spoke with a glare.

"what do you mean sold you out?" luke asked.

"nothing! for fucks sake, stop picking at every single sentence i make." i spoke with frustration.

"what happened to you? you're so angry." michael pointed out.

"who wouldn't be? it's the middle of the school year and i'm being forced to live with my brother, who fucking left." i laughed as i began to stand up.

"i didn't leave because i wanted too. i had to leave aaliyah. i wanted to pursue my dream." calum spoke as he stood up.

"yeah, don't blame him babe. we all left." luke added.

"then shame on you too. you fucking left me when i needed you. you didn't even come visit, do you know how i felt?" i yelled.

"i-i'm sorry." calum spoke as he sat back down.

"can we just go back to your house." i sighed as i sat back down.

"after a physical, sure." calum replied.

"i know you just want my weight and height, just fucking take it." i muttered in defeat.

"thank you." calum sighed.

"we'll wait by the car." ashton spoke as he dragged michael and luke out of the office.

"could i get some water?" i asked as soon as they were out.

"what? i don't have any right now. can you wait 10 seconds?" he asked as he grabbed a scale and height measurer.

i shakily nodded my head before standing up.

"wow, you grew. 5'4." calum chuckled.

"well yeah, i'm not ten anymore." i spoke with an eye roll.

"whatever you say princess." calum shrugged.

i slowly took a step forward on the scale and closed my eyes. i didn't want to see my weight. i knew it was going to be horrendous.

calum cleared his throat and motioned me off the scale.

"so, you're really underweight. you're 5'4 and weigh 100.3 pounds." calum sighed as he sat down.

"fuck aaliyah, how did it get this bad?" he spoke with frustration.

"bad? that's good. i'm finally where i want to be." i spoke with a smile before quickly looking up and him and seeing him stare at me with concern.

i just fucked up.

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