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me projecting my genderqueerness onto wille because i keep forgetting non binary wille ISNT canon??? wow. he's never gonna go through a gender crisis. that's so sad. anyways. let's talk about the inherent gender of black nail polish. it's just i painted my nails earlier and WOW. i feel like wille. except i'm literally afab so idk why it's such a big deal.......maybe because i don't do it often and painted nails make me feel masculine in a feminine way (shout out to masha from toh, gender + nails goals) don't question the mysterious magic of the genderqueer troll goblin hiding in my closet (pun not entirely intended)

(10 DAYS LEFT UNTIL SEASON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wille is staring down at his shoddily-painted nails when he feels something.

He doesn't know what. But there's definitely something. Something brewing in the depths of the dark, something stirring in the bottom of his stomach.

Wilhelm was hanging out with Felice and Maddie tonight — Simon was busy helping Sara at the stables; ever since Sara became a resident, the two rarely have time with each other anymore — and it had been going great. Maddie broke out her "at-home spa kit" and somehow convinced Wille to put on a weird-feeling face mask and even worse cucumber eye covers (because apparently, that's a thing people actually do). The whole thing was fun and refreshing, filled with giggles and dumb jokes. Maddie tried to wax Wille's leg hair, but Wille immediately wiggled away and laughed out an "absolutely not, no."

Then Felice grabbed her makeup bag because makeovers were a "must-have" at any sleepover (technically not a sleepover, considering Wilhelm would have to be back at Forest Ridge by the end of the night, less he wants to risk getting in trouble with the headmaster and setting off another rumor mill). Wille denied the makeup, mostly because it was growing later into the evening, and what's the point of having a makeover if you can't show it off? So instead, Maddie grabbed an array of nail polish. "And it's high quality, too, so it won't come off that easily," she tried to convince while setting out each color in rainbow order.

Wilhelm was, admittedly, going through a bit of a rebellious phase right now, much to his mother's disapproval. Why not seal the deal with some edgy nail polish to piss people off? He chuckled to himself and grabbed the black without hesitation.

Nasty fumes and somewhat-shaky hands aside, Wille thinks it comes out pretty ok.

Maybe too ok?

He's lying in bed now — his own room, thank god because he doesn't think he could survive having a feelings-moment with the others around. As much as he loves them, he sometimes needs time to himself to figure things out ("time to himself" usually means "accompanied by Simon," but alas, Wille's all alone right now). His LEDs are the only light source, casting a bright red glow across the room.

His nails — shiny black — contrasted with his skin — lit-up red — is, well. Pretty, to put it simply. He can't stop running his fingers over the polish, and he can almost feel the slight weight of it when he moves his fingers. They're a bit messy, with a few places where the paint chipped off when he was struggling to open his window, and he has yet to wash off the spare color that has smeared onto his skin. But still. Pretty.

He snaps a quick photo and sends it to Simon — it seems like he's truly incapable of having feelings-moments all by himself.

What do you think?

oh wow
that's really cute

I really like it
Is it bad this is making me question some things?

like what?

They just make me feel stuff

good stuff?

I think so
I feel

He hesitates before typing out—

I feel pretty

you are pretty

There's a giant fluttery sensation in his stomach. He tells himself it's just because he likes getting compliments from his boyfriend, but—


God. He loves that word. could say i'm pretty

Isn't that a quote from something?


Did you just quote iCarly at me


i finally started watching victorious today...12 years too late but oh well

* 590 words (October 22, 2022)

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