turn the lights off

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i have been thinking about this for months. i haven't been able to find any fics about it (please link any if they do exist!!), so i needed to write my own. SOMETHING happened after ep1, i just know it.

There is truly no reasonable explanation why Simon Eriksson — scholarship, Bjärstad-local, so-called sosse, Simon Eriksson — would be hiding with the Prince of Sweden outside a Hillerska residents-only initiation party. But here he is, the prince's hand pressed over his mouth in an effort to shush him, ducking behind a wall to avoid August and his posse, under the guise of Wilhelm sneaking off to hook up with a girl, because, apparently, Wilhelm was desperate for the attention of the boy who openly insulted his entire family during class.

Could this technically be defined as a 'fake relationship?' Simon asks himself before laughing at the absurdity of the situation. He needs to stop watching telenovelas with his mamma.

And then Wilhelm — Prince Wilhelm, Simon reminds himself again. This boy is a literal prince — turns back to him. And he's so close. And Simon can smell the all-too-familiar stench of alcohol and sweat, and he should be repulsed by it, but he isn't, because all he can think is 'Is Wilhelm trying to hit on me?'

Wilhelm's hand is still on Simon's face, but it's lighter. Softer. It stays there, warm and grounding compared to the cold, dry night. There's no way this is platonic behavior, Simon's brain continues to supply, because why is Wille still here and why is he staring like that and—

It's certainly not platonic behavior, because all of a sudden, Wilhelm's lips are on Simon's.

He doesn't object. He doesn't push Wille off. Hell, he doesn't even move.

What the fuck.

And then Wilhelm is staring at him again as if nothing happened. Just staring. Not saying anything. It's kind of freaky.

"You're drunk," Simon mutters under his breath. "You should probably get back to your room soon. You're gonna have a hangover."

What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.

"Yeah," Wilhelm responds. His eyes droop, and he keels forward, his head falling into the crook of Simon's shoulder. He fits there so perfectly.

Simon tries not to laugh as he pats Wilhelm's back, "Come on, you're gonna pass out if I let you leave on your own."

"Mhm." He makes no effort to move.

Simon sighs and drags Wilhelm up with him. Wouldn't be the first time.

Wilhelm wakes up cold.

It's the first thing he registers when he drifts into consciousness. He's freezing. He tries to sit up to grab at the covers but is immediately hit with a pounding headache.

He doesn't remember much from last night. There are the basics: initiation, partying, talking with Simon. Lots of memories of Simon, actually. But he doesn't remember how he got to his room, or how he got into bed (fully clothed, thank God), or how a tall glass of water and a few pills ended up on his bedside table.

Later that day, the other Forest Ridge residents try to get him to recount his hook-up experience. Wille isn't one to hook up, even when he's drunk, but he still does not want to get up on the table in front of everyone. He's still trying to put the pieces together about what even happened last night. Disappearing at some point, probably with Simon, considering how guilty the boy's beginning to look. Nothing could have...happened, right?

Lucky for him, the stabschef interrupts before anyone can force him into saying anything.

He doesn't know why, but Wilhelm keeps feeling a magnetic pull toward Simon and keeps trying to talk to him, so much it's almost embarrassing. But every time they get a moment to talk, there are so many people, and they're always interrupted by a teacher or August. There's something inside that just needs to be sitting next to him, hearing his voice, looking into his eyes. He still doesn't remember why.

(And then much, much later, he'll remember. When Simon kisses him at movie night, he'll recognize the feeling and taste and smell and everything of the boy. And he'll get scared. But he'll still kiss him again because it feels so, so right.)

trying to finish all my young royals fic ideas before they get retconned by season 2

* 682 words (October 27, 2022)

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