it's a revolution, baby, we're just getting started

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can be considered a "prequel" to my last fic. i might turn this into a series, but i can't promise you i'll commit to it. don't be alarmed, because they're all their own self-contained stories, but nonetheless. i really hope i do continue, since i have a couple ideas up my sleeve ;)

title isn't from anything specific. a little nod to the absolute legend that is Revolution by Elias. came up with it with my sleep-deprived brain at 1am. FUCK i need sleep god dammit

"Feel your responsibility for the legacy. Be proud of your history. Pass on the traditions to the next generation."

Wilhelm is terrified of his responsibility. It's been barely six months since being shoved into the role of Crown Prince, and he's already expected to have it perfected. He will be King someday. He doesn't want it, but he has to. It's his responsibility.

Wilhelm isn't proud of his history. He isn't proud of his family. He's read history books; he's heard Simon's rants; he's seen the hurt. History is something to learn from, not repeat or be proud of.

And traditions...


Traditions, like kidnapping a boy in the middle of the night, dragging him outside, gagged and tied on a leash, force-feeding him saliva until he vomits. Like letting the third and second years get served first, leaving the first years with barely anything more than a small pile of salad during lunch. Like forcing students to stand atop a chair and announce to everyone their intimate, personal experiences.

Traditions, like doing anything in the name of 'protecting the monarchy,' no matter how badly someone fucks up. No matter how many lies and secrets one must keep as not to commit treason.


It's frightening. Wilhelm was shaking the first time he stood up to August. The first time he played the Crown Prince card. He hated every second of it. But that right there was what domino-effected him to now. Standing in front of his classmates, parents, and who knows how many at home, watching this unfold on live television. He finally has the power to say what he wants.

He knows there will be consequences. He knows there will be meeting after meeting, PR teams, and NDAs galore. Ironic.

"I'm scared as well. But that ends now."

He doesn't know what he's doing. He isn't thinking this through. His mother is across from him, narrowing her eyes disapprovingly.

But he can practically feel Simon's gaze behind him. Simon's there, and he's warm, and real, and bright. And he realizes there's only one thing left.

Every touch. Every kiss. Every moment in between. In the corridor just minutes before, holding each other very non-discreetly, the other students simply turning a blind eye, knowing how their privacy had already been invaded one too many times. Holding each other's hands, Simon confessing I want to be with you. Even if it means two years of hiding behind closed doors, encased in shadows. And then the warm embrace, the I love you brushing against Wilhelm's ear.

He's gonna catch some hell for this.

He truly, truly doesn't know what he's saying until the words are out of his mouth.

"It was me in that video that leaked last term."

There's no going back. He clears his throat, looking down and swallowing back the bile.

"The one with me and Simon."

People gasp and whisper to each other. More students take out their cameras, and Jan-Olof gestures to the camera operators, but there's no going back. The damage has been done.

" was me."

Simon's smile when Wilhelm turns toward him is all he needs to see to know that he's made the right decision.

[insert obligatory tangled and bill finn references]

* 533 words (November 4, 2022)

REVOLUTION: young royalsWhere stories live. Discover now