and then it all happened so quick!

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this fic references my other fic "turn the lights off" but it's not that important. just follows the headcanon that wilmon kissed at the end of s1 ep1. go read it though because i really like it and i love to promote my fics 🫶

It's a loud, hazy night at the Palace. The third-years have decided on a midterm party since they didn't get to throw one at the beginning of the year. Although only a second year, Wilhelm has been chosen as the honorary Forest Ridge prefect, and is adamant about getting rid of the hazing traditions. That delayed the usual early-year initiation parties, but now, in early November, and the students are finally having their party.

Stella is among those students. She arrived with the usual crew — Felice, Madison, Fredrika — but has since abandoned them. Currently, she has her eyes set on a certain boy across the room. He's alone, which is fairly unusual nowadays, but Stella sees the opportunity and takes it.

"How did you figure out Wilhelm was in love with you?"

The music is so loud, pounding against his skull, that Simon has to yell when he asks Stella to repeat herself. When it finally registers in Simon's brain, he doesn't exactly know what to say.

Simon hums, processing the question. "It was...confusing, at first. Lots of mixed signals. Why?"

Stella huffs, and Simon smells the alcohol on her breath. "It's just- Fredrika-"

Simon raises an eyebrow, "Fredrika?"

She nods, leaning against the wall as she stares across the room. Fredrika is mingling with Felice and Wille, throwing her head back as she laughs at a comment. Her brown hair catches in the colorful lighting; her pale skin lights up in pink and green and blue hues, swirling together beautifully. Stella knows Fredrika's hair, face, frame, everything by heart, having admired her for years. It almost hurts, how giddy she feels she awakes in the morning and sees Fredrika curled by her side. Those mornings, in the golden light, Stella likes to pretend that this is the aftermath of a dramatic love confession — Fredrika, in all her glory, is no longer just the girl she shares a room with, but also her love and object of affection. Not entirely different from the truth, but there's quite a bit of nuance. And then Fredrika will bat her eyelashes, look up at Stella with a smile, and go about her day, unbeknownst to her secret admirer.

It does, actually, hurt. I'd rather be secretly in love with her than be the ex she hates, she had told Sara all those months ago. But it still hurts knowing there's a chance Fredrika will never be hers. "I'm so confused. I don't know what to do," Stella frowns and twirls her curtain bangs, now re-dyed a bright violet, around her finger. "Girls are so confusing," she groans and slumps further down the wall. She's eventually crouching down low, eyes closed dramatically as she hangs her head in shame.

"Wanna talk outside?" Simon smirks, though not unkindly, at the girl's theatrics.


"The thing is," Stella says as she pokes at the array of chocolates she and Simon stole from the snack table, "we always, like, make out when we're drunk at parties. And it always feels so nice, and it feels like she loves me. But then the next day, we're back to being best friends, and she gets annoyed when people spread rumors about us. Apparently, making out with your gal pals is just...a thing people do. It's not supposed to mean anything? I'm not complaining, but like, I wish..." she trails off, popping a truffle in her mouth and chewing with her mouth open. "You're the...only one I've told about this. Apart from Sara, know."

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