Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Arwen hid her grin behind her glass of wine as Cassian stared at Rhysand's wrist. They sat around the dining table at the House, enjoying a family meal. As her brother leant his elbows against the table, the black sleeves of his tunic shifted back to reveal the threaded bracelet. The one that matched hers. Cassian turned his gaze to her, the mock offence and gesture at his empty wrist enough to send her into laughter.

"I'll make you one too," she promised.

He chuckled and winked at her before they turned their attention to the rest of the table. "So, whose heading with you to Hewn City?" he asked. Lucien would be arriving at the end of the week on the night of the Autumn Equinox. Hewn City would host a ball to mark the turning of the season.

Rhysand clasped his hands in front of his chin. "You and Azriel," he answered Cassian. There was a brief flash of relief across Mor's face, a weight sliding from her shoulders.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Amren inquired, an arm slung over the back of her chair. "Maybe you should bring me. I have more restraint, but I'm twice as intimidating."

Cassian rolled his nose in a snarl in her direction and Azriel simply looked to Rhysand for his response. Arwen held her hands in her lap, running her nail against the grooves of her other nails.

"You are," he agreed with a smile, "but I don't want them to think I'm intimidated enough to bring more of you. They will be in my realm and they will know that despite these negotiations being... mutual, that it will be under my control."

"They?" Azriel echoed.

Rhysand nodded. "Lucien is going to be accompanied by Ianthe who has recently been made a High Priestess."

"Isn't she a bitch?" Arwen mused, taking a moment to realise that the words were said aloud.

Rhysand didn't bother to smother his smile. "That is one way of saying it," he answered, taking a sip at his wine. "She has been Tamlin's friend since they were both children so we know she is going to be difficult to deal with."

"Why is a High Priestess coming for negotiations on behalf of a court?" Mor wondered.

"Maybe Tamlin doesn't trust Lucien yet," Cassian offered.

"Or she has something to gain from it," Azriel pointed out and looked to Rhysand again. "You always said she was a viper for power."

Arwen tipped her head in agreement. "It was mentioned before that perhaps someone is pressuring Tamlin to reach out to the Night Court. I doubt he would do it on his own whim so perhaps Ianthe has a hand in it."

Rhysand gestured to her with his wine. "If that's the case, then she'll be the one to look out for. Not Lucien."

"I should come." Eyes around the table turned to Arwen. She knew if she spared the time, each one would be sending her a different story of thoughts. Instead, she only looked at the head of the table. "A female knows how to read another female far better than any male does. You know that Ianthe can be dangerous and she knows you're a daemati so she will be careful."

"Then Mor will come," he concluded.

"But I'm the one that wants to." She leant forward, naval pressing into the table. Rhysand avoided her eyes, his head shaking in a way that she wasn't sure he noticed he was doing it. "Besides, if I'm there, it sends a message. It will remind them both not to cross a line with you because they will know what their High Lord has done." Arwen splayed her hands on the table and waited. But he never answered. "Rhys." Finally, his eyes. "You asked me for my opinion on meeting them and now I'm telling you I want to be there. Involve me."

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