Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

Arwen rubbed the tips of her fingers against her scalp, hair threaded between the long bones. When she pulled her head and eyes up, her reflection in the vanity mirror met her. Pretty, she concluded. Nuala had been so kind to help her style her hair in loose curls and line her cheeks with blush and her eyes with kohl. On her neck sat a pendant necklace she was certain Mor gave her many years ago. The black dress was daring. The intricately cut material that clung to her skin, black as an endless abyss, winding up her body like a dark snake to cover all the right places and revealing the rest, was perfectly Night Court. All wore in honour of that court's General Commander. 

So pretty might be an understatement in some way, but there was an emptiness that kept Arwen from labelling herself as beautiful that night. It was not a matter to be thought of, however—not on Cassian's birthday.

Hearing the front door open, she rose from the vanity seat and grabbed the small, black box from the wooden top as she left. The town house was already filled with chatter. It seemed she was the last of them to join. Making her way down the stairs, Elain was the first she saw, who was clad in a periwinkle dress with ruffled sleeves. Arwen gently took her arm, spying the rest of her family beginning to gather in the sitting room. "Enjoy tonight, Elain. And don't let them force you into anything. Their mopey faces are nothing but a ploy."

Elain looked nothing short of uncertain but gave a timid nod. "Should I expect them to force me into things?"

Arwen laughed and shrugged. "Nothing terrible. Dancing, perhaps. Downing your drink in a single breath. Be not afraid to knock them over the head if they get too pushy." Her step away had intended to take her to join them, but she faltered on an extra thought. "Azriel enjoys himself on these nights but sometimes he likes to take a step back. He will like the quiet company if you're feeling overwhelmed."

Elain peered carefully at her, as though she was aware of every conversation that Arwen had had with Azriel regarding her. "You would not be..."

"If I am to spend my eternity with him, I must trust him," Arwen said, carefully. "It does not mean I trust your intentions with him, but I cannot live being scared that I am not enough. I have far too many worthier worries to spend my time on. But do remember, Elain, that I won't take kindly to someone trying to take from me what I have just gotten back."

It was a sourer note than she would have liked to let their conversation finish on, but Arwen couldn't help the warning pouring from her lips. Elain's eyes hardened and she nodded once. Arwen glanced over her again before turning away and walking towards the sounds of her family.

"Do not fear, the light of your lives has arrived," she proclaimed, swinging into the wide room.

Rhysand rolled his eyes whilst Feyre and Cassian laughed. Azriel pursed his lips, attempting to flatten the grin she knew was threatening. Mor placed a hand on her hip, raising a golden brow and looked Arwen up and down. "Now I feel underdressed," her cousin said. "You must let me borrow that one day."

Arwen blushed, despite her own confidence and look down at it again. "I thought the occasion called for it."

"I for one, am certainly not complaining," Cassian announced, not bothering to hide his appreciative, wandering eyes. With a squint, he looked over his shoulder to Azriel who rested against the hearth. "Lucky bastard."

Azriel kicked off the stone and strode forward. Even as Arwen heard Elain entering behind her, Azriel's eyes never left her. He took her hand, looking handsome as ever in his formal black slacks and shirt, and kissed her cheek in welcome. "I certainly am."

Remembering the black box in her hand, she handed it to Cassian. "Happy birthday." Arwen gave him the box. "I don't expect you to really like it, but it was stuck on my mind."

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