Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

When Arwen finally brought herself back downstairs, about an hour after Rhysand left her to explore the contents of her room, Cassian was gone. "He went after Nesta," Feyre said to her with a worried look towards the door. Arwen matched it, but knowing that his belongings were in the shared room with Azriel for the few nights they were staying here, he would likely be back later.

Arwen sat before the tall window in her bedroom, the cream drapes hanging still on either side, drinking a glass of wine by herself. Her presents remained unopened on her bed but it wasn't until now, when the celebrations had quietened, that she could bring herself to look at them.

From Cassian, new drawing supplies. She hadn't picked up drawing since her return, but the idea had nestled in her head. He also bought her a small bracelet, a thin golden chain with a purple amethyst no larger than her smallest nail hanging from it. She had eyed it that day the snowstorm trapped them at Lucien's.

The rest of her collection soon grew to include a new silk pillowcase, beautiful bookmarks of thin metal that had designs cut into them, an ornate headband, books, an adjustable figurine which she realised was to help with anatomy, a few necklaces, and an ornamental mug.

Nothing from Azriel.

Arwen placed the last present aside, trying not to think on that fact. Her present for him was on her desk. It had been sitting highest on the pile after Elain's gift to him and she couldn't bring herself to sit and watch him open it after that... that laugh of delight. Her gift felt pathetic in comparison. It hadn't even cost her a single coin. Arwen would give it to him later when there was no one to see his reaction and she could be long gone.

A shadow flew past her window.

Arwen placed her glass down, recognising the dark wings even against the night sky. She was downstairs by the time he was in the foyer. Cassian glared at nothing and everything, the muscles in his jaw swollen from being clenched and his fists curled and released at his side. Feyre and Mor stood inside the sitting room, noticing his arrival as Arwen already had.

Cassian passed her, not even a mutter of greeting. She spun around, quick to follow him towards the stairs she had just come down. Arwen took his hand, and though he didn't tear away, he didn't hold it back. Like she didn't exist.

Pain tore through her stomach.

"Cassian?" He didn't stop. "Cassian please." They reached the upper hall. His shared bedroom was down the far end to the left, hers on the right.

"I'm not in the mood for talking."

"Come have a drink with me."

Cassian didn't say anything, but he hesitated to turn left. Hazel eyes darted across her face, then he nodded bluntly. Arwen didn't smile but sighed and led him to her room, guiding him to the table that hosted two seats and her half-finished bottle of wine. Summoning a second glass, she poured a generous amount as he settled into the seat. He downed half of it in one gulp, nearly shattering the glass when he placed it back down.

"Will you tell me what happened?" she asked softly.

He stared through the window. "I don't know what I thought would," he said after a moment, his voice hard and cold. "After the way she's treating everybody—the way she treated you—I don't even know why I bothered."

"Because you care. And there's nothing wrong with that." Arwen refilled her own glass and tipped the remainder of the bottle into his. "Quite the opposite in fact. You bought her a gift, didn't you?" Cassian had mentioned it to her weeks ago.

Feyre and Rhysand had talked about inviting Nesta for Solstice, seeking Arwen's thoughts on the matter. Though she didn't want to ever be alone with the viper female, Arwen said she would be fine with them around. Solstice was a time for family, and Feyre didn't deserve to be cut from hers on someone else's account.

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