Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

Arwen lounged with Mor on a chair that she had brought up to the rooftop of the House, letting the late spring sun warm her as she watched the Illyrian duo train. It was her day off training, but she couldn't resist coming up to watch Azriel. Mor was more than happy to be a companion.

Arwen wrinkled her nose as the sun suddenly disappeared. "Go away, Rhys," she grumbled. "You're blocking my sun and my view." Rhysand silently arched a dark brow and looked over his shoulder to where Azriel and Cassian fought with their blades. When he looked back down at her, his lips were tugged in an amused grin at the evidence of her obvious position of spying. "What do you want?"

"Well, I was going to invite you out to something special but since you seem so keen on throwing my companionship away..." Rhysand slowly turned on his heels.

Arwen launched over the armrest of her chair, snatching his wrist. "You don't get to ignite my curiosity then walk away. What's the something special happening?"

"Is it that festival happening at the Rainbow tonight?" asked Mor from Arwen's other side, her eyes not moving from the scene of the fight beyond. Arwen perked, dropping his wrist.

Rhysand scowled at their cousin. "I wanted to deliver the news." The scowl fell as his violet eyes moved back to Arwen. "We haven't been out as just the two of us in a while."

She pushed up from the recline, folding her legs underneath one another. "Why hadn't I heard of this before now?" She liked to think she kept up to date with the happenings of her home. In the past months she had been reclusive from it, but she had spent centuries in this city and today's date wasn't anything notable.

He smirked. "Because I'm only telling you now." Jerking his head in the direction of the city he said, "The people need a celebration with everything that's happened. I want to celebrate. It finally feels like we've got a bit of peace."

Humming, she leant back into the recline of her lounge chair, tenting her knees in an eased position. "I don't know. I had plans to just mope around this evening."

His entertainment only grew. "Is that so?"

Arwen nodded morosely. "You would have to convince me."

"Is the idea of spending time with me not enough?" he demanded. Mor snorted before Arwen had a chance to. Clicking his tongue, Rhysand dropped to a crouch by the arm of her chair, rapping his fingers along it in thought. "I'll take you flying after. All night. Wherever you want."

Arwen hadn't expected the offer. Truly she just thought he would offer to buy her a new piece of jewellery or artwork while they were out but this was far better. They hadn't been flying out together in... years. "Let's hope you're fit enough for the task."

Rhysand's brows moved together as he examined her body. "Yes, you have put on quite a bit of weight haven't you," he remarked, throwing her taunt right back into her face. Arwen's jaw dropped to her neck and he quickly veered out of the path of her thwack. His laughter quickly drowned out the low grunts in the short distance as he wrestled her hands back into her lap. "Which I am glad to see," he finally added, the smile turning warm. "You look like you again."

Cheeks pressing against her eyes with the smile she tried to tame, Arwen asked, "What time do I need to be ready by?"

"About an hour before sunset. It goes well into the night so wear something comfortable and warm. Pants. You always complained when I took you flying in dresses about the breeze."

It was all he seemed to have come to the rooftop for as he left without waiting to greet his brothers. Arwen went back to watching them spar, excited for the night to come. Clapping, she cheered at her mate's victory in the current round. He turned a bit bashful at the public attention, keeping his head hanging low, hiding a smile as he wiped his sweat away from his brow. Cassian simply shoved a finger in her direction, a warning to keep her mouth shut, already egging Azriel into another round.

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