Chapter 106

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Chapter 106

Arwen hunched over what used to be her brother's desk but was now transformed into hers. A large clip held her hair from her face as she bowed over the frankly boring paperwork she had to get through if she intended to spend her day frolicking about as she had planned. But with the headache beginning to form, she had a nagging guess she would be in a dark room with a mug of tea instead.

She bit into the length of her finger, tapping the end of her quill on the wood which was already stained from the growing habit. Realising what was missing, Arwen quickly scrawled it in before her mind went adrift. That would do for the day, at least.

Just as she put the quill and ink away, the door opened. "Morning," she said to Azriel who slipped into the office. Rising from her chair she careened around the desk. "I'm going to go into town and get some fresh bread and something for breakfast. I'm feeling like a pastry of some kind. What would you like?"

She took the long moment before he answered to note that he hadn't put on his leathers this morning, just a light shirt and trousers, though as always his siphons were on the backs of his hands. "Wh-I can go get breakfast, Arwen."

"I want the walk. Hoping the fresh air will kill the headache," she said, motioning to her temples.

He frowned at her, then at the still-rising sun through the window behind her. "I didn't expect you to get up so early. I wanted to bring you something to eat in bed. Actually, I was hoping we could spend a few hours in bed before this afternoon."

Arwen blinked before frowning as he was. "This afternoon? What's on this afternoon?" Nothing that she could remember. Nothing she had been informed about. "I'm going to visit the city's library and get a few books that have just been transported from the continent later." He stared at her, perplexed. "I've forgotten something important, haven't I? Was I supposed to have something ready? Is Rhys going to kill me? Did—"

Azriel grasped both her cheeks. "You're fine." He held her steady as he kissed her lips and then her forehead. "Go get breakfast."

Arwen dazedly grabbed at his wrists. "Sure," she murmured, dragging out the word. "What would you like?"

"Same as you."

She gave a slow nod as his hands dropped away from her face. "You sure everything is alright? You seem... out of it." Confused—he seemed just as confused as she was. Perhaps he had a strange dream that he was struggling to shake. Arwen certainly knew that feeling.

Azriel nodded with a tight-lipped smile. Murmuring her acceptance, she moved around him and headed out of the town house with a woven basket through her arm. As she wandered down the street, a blur of a shadow whizzed past her feet. At first, she thought it might have been one of Azriel's shadows sent to accompany her, but it disappeared as quick as it came. Shielding her eyes and looking up, Arwen realised that it was Azriel's shadow. The Illyrian form flew high in the sky, nearly nothing more than a black mark against the otherwise clear blue.

"Well how am I supposed to bring you breakfast if you leave?" she spluttered to herself, dropping her hand to slap against her side. He usually shared his plans of departure which only added to her annoyance.

It didn't take long for her nose to hunt down a bakery and choose a fresh loaf. Her trip turned out quite short and despite expecting his absence upon her return, she brought him a scone. Arwen rubbed at her temples as she neared the town house, only to find another Illyrian present.

"Cassian," she called. Cassian leant back from the door he had been knocking at with a slight jump of surprise. "Elain stayed at the River House overnight with Feyre and Azriel just left. Bit strange not to have anyone inside, isn't it?"

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